Chapter 17

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3rd pov

Amara Emerys had spent the whole Yule break in the common avoiding the marauders, everytime she saw them heart broke a little more so after dinner on Yule night she had house elves bring her food to her dorm. The Emerys heir only left isolation when the Hogwarts express was set to arrive in Hogsmead.

The small brunette stood in the station waiting for her friends, shivering with the cold, she had forgotten her coat. Red nosed the Slytherin rocked on her feet praying to every god there was that the train arrived soon. After she had finished what felt like her 100th prayer the train finally arrived.

As soon as Amara saw her friends she ran and jumped in the closest person's arms, which turned out to be Severus.

"It's good to see you too Mara" Severus chuckled as his sister latched onto him like a koala. "Though you are freezing" he told her, carefully shedding his cloak and wrapping it around her shoulders.

Amara buried her head into her brothers shoulders refusing to let go, making all her friends laugh as they walked to a carriage to go to the castle.

As they sat in the carriage all huddling close for warmth Amara decided to ask about their break.

"My parents actually liked Severus, though Walburga hated him, glared every time she saw him and then proceeded to call him slurs like the bitch she is" Bella told her, rolling her eyes at the thought of her aunt. Severus pulled his Girlfriend into his side as she kept grumbling about blood supremacy.

The rest of the group shared stories on their break and when they were done they turned to Amara and asked how hers went. Taking a deep breath Amara told her friends, her family, she told them about the marauders. When she was done telling them tears had gathered in her eyes but she refused to let them fall, if they didn't want her then so be it.

-Amara Emerys-

The group of snakes arrived at the castle, heading straight for the common room to warm up, all except Severus.

Severus made his way up to the Gryfindor Common room, he hated seeing his sister so upset and if it was the marauders that made her happy then he could forgive them for what they had done.

Asking the portrait of the fat lady to get him a Gryfindor student, Severus waited. When the portrait opened her came face to face with his ex best friend Lily Evans.

"Sev what are you doing here" Lily smiled, hoping he had come for her so they could be friends again.

Pushing past the red head Severus walked into the Red and Gold room immediately spotting the marauders who all stood at the sight of the Slytherin.

"We need to talk" Severus told them. Nodding at the snake the four boys showed him to their dorm. Walking inside the five boys stood in an awkward silence before Severus broke it,

"I forgive you for what you've done" he told the Gryfindors malking them look at him in shock, "You all like Amara it's obvious, and she likes you too and when you told her that you wanted her to be happy without you she took that as she wasn't wanted"

he went to continue but a broken Sirius Black interrupted him, "of course we like her, fuck were falling in love with her, how could she think we didn't" Sirius whispered.

"go to her, be with her, hold her, love her, but if you ever hurt her again I will kill you in the most painful way possible" Severus told them bluntly.

James was the first to move immediately leaving the common room, on his way to find his mate. Running through the halls saying quick sorrys to whoever he bumped into, James eventually found her at the door of the Great Hall walking next to Regulus. Calling her names James slowed his run until he was stood right in front of her.

Grabbing his mate buy the back of her neck James bent down connecting his lips to hers, wrapping his other arm around her waist. Amara gasped softly before wrapping her arms around her mates neck, kissing back just as passionately.

The two soulmates pulled apart beaming smiles on their faces, tears in their eyes,

"I thought you didn't want me" She told her mate.

"I am so incredibly and irrevocably in love with you Amara Emerys, I need you to know that" James whispered.

"I love you too" she told him, connecting their lips in a soft kiss.

Pulling back the two mates shared a smile. Hearing heavy foot falls the two looked away seeing her other mates the Slytherin smiled at them.

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