Chapter 7

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3rd pov

Amara watched her scarred mate leave the common room with a bright blush on her face and before she knew it she was squashed between Regulus and Narcissa. "Tell us everything" Narcissa beamed, "Do, tell us every little detail" Bellatrix said sarcastically making her little sister flip her off as dignified as a pureblooded lady could.

Amara smiled thinking about what had happened only minutes prior. "we kissed" Amara giggled, blush once again rising on her cheeks". "I'm happy for you Mara" Severus said from his seat beside Bellatrix. "Are yous sure Sev, I mean I know how you feel about the marauders", Amara said with sympathy swimming in her eyes.

"You are my baby sister, even if you are mated to those idiots." said while taking his baby sister into his arms. Smiling Amara wrapped her arms around her brothers waist  whispering "you're the best". "mmmmhhh sure he's the best when he's not pining after a red headed mud blood" Bellatrix huffed, "Bella don't" Severus rolled his eyes, he and Amara both sitting back in their original spots.

"Hey did you notice Reggie is the only one of us without a mate, I mean I have Lucius, Bella has Sev and well Mara has the Gryfindors" Narcissa stated giving Regulus a look making him roll his grey eyes and flip his cousin off, " Its not exactly my fault now is it". Amara gave her friend a look hearing the bitterness in his tone. "Look I don't exactly like being the third wheel to anybody let alone my best friend" Regulus chuckled dryly.

Grabbing Regulus' jaw Amara turned Regulus to face her  "if anything Remus will be third wheeling us, I mean what the saying bros before -" Amara cut herself off in a fit of giggles which quickly got everybody laughing.

The group of friends continued talking into the night, laughing and joking. Thoughts of everybody out side of the group of snakes flying out of their heads.


3rd pov

Remus just left the comfort of the Slytherin common room, his head mulling over what just happened, the feeling of her hands on his cheek, the feeling of her lips on his. Remus reached the Gryfindor common room with a red hue covering his cheeks. Walking into the red and gold room Remus looked around noticing how Luxurious the Slytherin common room is compared to the Gryfindor one, ' I suppose I shouldn't be surprised purebloods only except the best' he thought.

"Hey Remus over here", Snapping his head up he saw the red head that James chose over his own mate, she was cuddled up with Marlene McKinnon a girl that had, had a crush on Lily since first year, she just wasn't as obvious about it as James was.

"Hey Lily, Marlene, what you doing" Remus said while sitting on the sofa across from the two girls. "Well we just got back from the hospital wing, James got beat up pretty bad" Lily said worried, making Marlene rub her arm in comfort. "ya well he shouldn't have called my mate a whore" Remus growled making Marlene laugh and high five him "you, merlin your amazing it's about time someone took Potter down a notch". Lily smacked her girlfriends arm with a mock glare making Marlene hold her arms up.

The three Gryfindors kept talking and laughing late into the night, All thoughts of everyone outside of the red and gold room thrown from their thoughts.


3rd pov

Sirius and Peter sat a James' bed side waiting for him to wake up. Peering down at him Sirius looked over his wounds, he had a black eye, burst lip, split eyebrow and a broken jaw.

Sirius had never been afraid of Remus before not even on a full moon yet today he scared him, Sirius had never seen him so angry.  'Amara Emerys surely couldn't be that special' Sirius thought. Tears sprung to Sirius eyes as he thought about Remus, he doesn't want to lose his best friend but he can't except Amara. Amara was everything he stood against, pure blood, rich and hates muggles, he ran from his family he won't be dragged back into it because of a girl.

Peter was thinking of his mate, she looked scared when he, Sirius and James walked up to them, she hid behind Remus. ' I don't want her to be scared of me' Peter thought to himself. Remus had beaten James unconscious, Peter never thought about standing up to James and Sirius, maybe if he did it would of been him standing with Amara and not Remus.

Amara Emerys Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora