Chapter 20

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The poly relationship between the four marauders and Amara had been going amazing, the five mates feeling happier then they ever had.

The boys had went back to pranking after their hiatus, though Amara always made sure to talk them down if they try to go to far.

Amara split her time rather evenly, half with her mates and half with her friends, Though they even spent time all together sometimes.

Remus and Severus turned out to get on like a house on fire often meeting up and discussing books.

Sirius reconnected with his cousins and brother, often having fake duels with each other for fun.

James and Regulus spent hours together talking about quidditch, playing on the pitch into the late hours of the night.

But the most surprising was that Peter and Lucius spent a lot of time together both being art fanatics.

The mates had gotten together January 2nd, become an official couple and after four months of being in a living relationship Amara decided she was ready to take the relationship to the next step, she just didn't know how to approach it.

But when strong arms wrapped around her from behind Amara was pulled from her thoughts. Turning around and peering up at her mate, Amara kissed Sirius in greeting.

Tonight was the full moon so all of her mates were going down to the shrieking shack so Remus can transform away from the student body.

"Were gonna head down now love" Sirius whispered to the Slytherin, kissing her temple.

Nodding toward her mate she kissed him one last time before heading to her other mates and bidding them goodbye.

-Amara Emerys-

Amara sat in the hospital wing next to Remus' bed, her mates all asleep on their own cots, the day after the full moon was normally very difficult for Remus, he usually spent the day in bed in the Gryfindor tower.

The scarred boys eyes fluttered open and wondered around the room before settling on his mates face, she looked tired as if she was up all night with him, that thought made Remus feel guilty, she shouldn't be mated to a monster like me.

As if sensing her mates guilt, bright blue eyes snapped to meet his, Amara smiled softly at her mate happy that he was awake.

"Hey Elskan" Amara whispered, keeping her voice low as to not hurt his ears.

Smiling up at his mate, his guilt dimming at the sight of her smiling, Remus whisperd a small "Hello darling".

The pair stayed talking for another half hour before Madame Pomfrey discharged all of her mates. The five teens made their way to the Gryfindor dorms all the boys lying on their individual beds, Amara joining Remus hoping to comfort him.

-Amara Emerys-

Amara opened her eyes only to see an empty dorm aside from a bare chested Remus who had his arm wrapped around her waist. 'the boys must have decided to let us sleep' she thought to herself.

Turning over on the bed Amara cuddled into Remus scarred chest making him tighten his hold on her. Remus stirred in his sleep slightly before waking, "How'd you sleep princess".

Blushing at the nickname Amara pulled back placing a chaste kiss on her mates lips, "I'm good love".

The two shifted positions so Amara was laying on Remus' bare chest, they laid there cuddling for a while before Amara started to trace Remus' scars on his chest making his muscles tense.

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