Chapter 4

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3rd pov

Thoughts ran rapidly through Amaras head as she made her way to the Slytherin common room, the four boys that bullied her, tormented her made her feel worthless are her soulmates, that thought alone was enough to make tears fall down her face.

But Amara wasn't the only Hogwarts student having trouble with the thought of their soulmate. Across the school in the Gryfindor boys dormitories James Potter was complaining loudly "I don't want her, I've been in love with my Lily pad since I was 11, why couldn't I have gotten Lily."

"You can't be serious, her!" came a shout from the other half of the room, the other three boys turned around to look at Sirius Black who quickly glared at them before they made a stupid pun. "You know my parents will be happy, I'm mated to a stuck up, pompous pureblood" Sirius hissed.

The boys turned away not saying anything until Remus broke the silence " we don't even know her", gaining questioning looks in return. "She's been at school with us for what, five years and we don't know a thing about her." Remus said softly.

"We know that we have no chance of ever being with her, we bullied her, harasssed her, there's not a chance she'll forgive us and I don't blame her." Peter whispered while flopping down on his bed. "Well good I don't wanna be mated to a stuck up snake princess anyway" James glared. Rolling his eyes Remus got up and went for a walk without a word to his friends.
Amaras pov

"I'm gonna go for a walk Reg" I whispered as I kissed Regulus' cheek, refusing his offer to come I walked out of the comfort of the common room heading straight to the courtyard avoiding any teacher I saw.

After being in the courtyard for awhile, looking at the stars I here a soft cough behind me, whipping around I come face to face with one of my mates "hey" he whispered stepping closer. I looked at him with confusion even as I whispered a hi back. We both sat there in a comfortable silence until I broke it whispering a soft "I'm sorry".

Remus looked at me his eyebrows knotted together "what are you sorry for" he said quietly. I went onto explain to him that I knew he didn't want me as a mate and that I was sorry. Something flashed in Remus' eyes that looked quite close to anger, he grabbed my hands in a tight hold and said " Don't ever think that, I should be the one who's sorry we've, I've been awful to you and for that I am so so sorry."

Looking at him I see tears gather in his eyes and I feel a strong need to comfort him, tell him everythings ok but then everything the marauders did to me, said to me flashed into my mind making me whisper "What you did, what you all did hurt me in ways you will never understand, ways I hope you never understand but your my mate and it may take time, no it will take time for me to forgive you but know this I can't forget what you did, so for now Remus I don't forgive you. "

Tears are now falling freely down my face thinking of the past bullying, that was when I felt a large rough hand wipe them from the cheek" it's ok, I understand but I hope you know that I will try anything to make you forgive me." Remus rasped out.
3rd pov

After saying goodbye to Remus Amara made her way down to the the dorms meeting up with her friends as she entered." hey" she chuckled as she saw Severus and Bellatrix arguing, sitting next to Lucius she was filled in on everything that had happened since she left, missing the longing glances sent to her by her best friend.

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