Chapter 24

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A/N : Smut warning

Sorry for writing two Smut chapters in a row but I didnt know wtf to write.

3rd pov

The summer holidays flew by as Amara spent time with her family, friends and mates and now it was the 1st of September, the first day of Amaras 6th year.

The Emerys family had made their way to Kings Cross where they stood saying their goodbyes.

"I love you princess, have a good year" Thomas whispered, kissing Amaras head, smiling slightly as she walked away toward a smiling Regulus.

"Do you think she'll be safe?" Nadia asked her husband throwing a worried look at her smiling daughter.

Pulling his wife into his arms Thomas sighed deeply, "The Dark Lord can't get to her if she's at Hogwarts, he fears Albus Dumbledore he won't attack the school.

Nodding slightly Nadia pulled Thomas toward an alley where the pair apparated home only to come face to face with a red eyed Dark Lord.

-Amara Emerys-

"I made quidditch captain" Regulus beamed excitedly showing Amara his new badge making her smile softly at him but before she could reply a pair of red headed twins walked up to the Slytherin pair.

"Did we just hear" Fabian started, leaning over Regulus shoulder making the boy blush slightly.

"That dear old Reggie" Gideon continued standing closer to Regulus.

"Made Quidditch captain" they finished together.

Regulus seemed to have forgotten how to form sentences much to Amaras amusement. Rolling her eyes slightly Amara smiled at the twins, "Ya he is now Slytherin Quidditch team captain".

"Well we'll have to watch out for you now won't we" Gideon whispered into Regulus' ear before walking away with his twin brother leaving Regulus a blushing, stuttering mess.

Laughing at her best friends situation Amara grabbed onto his hand and began to pull him towards their friends.

"Hey guys" Amara smiled as she entered the compartment with a still blushing Regulus.

"Hey what happened to him" Bellatrix asked, cuddled up to Severus' side.

"Well he-" the brunette began before Regulus cut her off by slapping a hand over her mouth, "nothing" Regulus snapped glaring at his best friend who just held her hands up in surrender.

"You ok Cissa" the youngest Black asked raising an eyebrow at her frown.

"Oh she's fine, she's just sad the Lucius graduated so she won't see him during the school year" Severus hummed.


The next few hours were spent talking about their breaks before Amara decided she was going to go and find her mates for a little while, so wishing her friends goodbye Amara made her way toward the Gryfindor compartments.

Opening the door the Marauders usual compartment Amara saw Lily Evans leaning over James while he held a book out of her reach. Her heart dropped a little seeing their smiles.

"Mara love hey" Remus said standing to greet his mate with a small kiss.

Lily stood almost immediately when she heard Amaras name, sending the Slytherin a small smile Lily excused herself from the compartment 'pride and prejudice' clutched tightly in her hands.

Amara Emerys Where stories live. Discover now