Chapter 19

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Amara was still on cloud 9 from her date with Peter when she had left to meet Sirius for their date, and that feeling only increased when she saw the wide smile on his face. Amara ran into the elder Black's arms laughing as he peppered kisses over her face.

"Hello Darling" Sirius smiled wrapping his arm around his mates waist.

"hi amour, as much as I love this we need to go or we'll be late" Amara told him, grabbing his arm and pulling him toward the dungeon where they were going to use Slughorns floo, just as Amara had done the day before.

"And do tell where we're going Darling" Sirius said to his mate peering at her curiously.

Shaking her head Amara dragged him toward the fireplace where they proceed to floo to Liverpool. Ignoring her mates questions just as she had with Peter, Amara walked with Sirius toward the stadium where they were going to see Sirius' favourite band, 'The rolling stones".

After handing over the tickets and getting their backstage passes, an awe filled Sirius and an excited Amara proceeded to watch the show.

Five hours later the show ended and Sirius and Amara headed back stage to where they were going to meet the band.

After leaving the venue Sirius talked Amaras ear off about the show and how amazing the band was, Amara just smiled and nodded making the appropriate sounds when necessary, she wasn't a big fan of the rolling stones but seeing Sirius so happy made it worth it.

The pair of teens made their way back to Hogwarts but instead of parting ways Amara pulled Sirius toward the astronomy tower where they laid side by side looking at the stars. Sirius was pointing out all the constellations.

Turning to look at her mate Amara started to admire him, the way he smiled as he talked about music, the way his eyes lit up as he spoke about the stars.

"Your staring darling" Sirius smirked.

"I love you Sirius Black so damn much" Amara smiled sitting up and looking down at him.

Sirius beamed at her before sitting up taking her hands in his, "I love you too Amara Emerys so damn much".

The two leaned in lips connecting in a passionate kiss, Sirius deepened the kiss further but pulled back slightly making Amara whine at the loss.

"I am yours mind, body and soul" Sirius whispered connecting their lips once more.

The pair stayed in the Astronomy tower until the sun rose occasionally sharing kissed, they were cuddled together both mulling over the perfect day the two shared.

-Amara Emerys-

Amara woke early the next morning excitement filling her at the thought of the day she had planned for her and Remus.

Meeting her scarred mate Amara greeted him with a soft kiss, the two greeted each other before heading to the floo where they flooed to the Emerys ranch. Remus stared at the place in awe but that looked doubled when Amara pulled him to the back of the house and there stood a stable with two beautiful horses, 1 black as the night sky and 1 white as snow.

Beaming up at her mate Amara pulled Remus to introduce him to the horses, their names were Rio and Dale.

"I named them when I was like 12" Amara said with a light blush on her cheeks, which Remus found adorable.

"Are we going to ride them" Remus asked as he saw Amara putting saddles on the horses.

Amara turned and gave her mate a deadpan look before saying a sarcastic "Obviously".

Laughing slightly at her cheek Remus rolled his eyes and got into the white horse Dale. After Amara settled on Rio the two set off. The pair spent hours riding the horses, racing through the forest that surrounded the ranch and they both loved it, the smiles on each others faces only made them smile brighter.

After putting the horses back into the stable the two walked hand in hand to the house where the house elves had prepared a beautiful meal. Sitting across from each other they dug into the meal, it was spaghetti bolonese, Remus favourite. Over dinner the two shared stories of their families and friends, laughed about different pranks that the marauders had pulled though Amara scolded him when he told her of pranks that they went to far with.

After the pair finished their dinners the elves brought out a chocolate lave cake. Remus' eyes lit up as he saw the chocolate making Amara burst out laughing. They continued to talk but Remus suddenly got very quiet. Amara fidgeted in her seat as Remus stared at her, blushing slightly the Slytherin raised her eyebrow at him.

"you know what I am, and all I've ever wanted was somebody to want me for who I am and then I met you." Remus told his mate gazing at her with a soft look in her eyes.

"and everytime I look at you I fall in love with you even more." he smiled at a blushing Amara.

"I love you Amara Always" Remus whispered.

Chuckling softly Amara left her seat and walked over to Remus and sat in his lap. Kissing him softly she whispered "I love you too".

The mates stayed at the ranch in each others arms for another hour before heading back to the school wher Remus walked Amara to the Slytherin Common room. Kissing her goodnight Remus walked back to the Gryfindor Tower. Both teens falling asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

Amara Emerys Where stories live. Discover now