Chapter 11

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3rd pov

Amara Emerys was sat in the library writting a 2 foot potions essay for professor Slughorn when Sirius Black appeared in front of her, peering up at him she gave him a small shy and slightly awkward smile, "Hey can I... Um Can I sit with you" he asked getting a small nod in response.

Sirius sat in the seat across from his mate carefully studying her face, her dark brown brows were furrowed as she continued to write on the parchment, her pink lips pouted in frustration, she looked beautiful Sirius thought before clearing his throat.

"Amara", hearing Sirius say her name her head snapped up staring at him he looked nervous. Looking at him curiously Amara assumed that he was going to apologise to her so she nodded for him to continue.

"I wanted to say I was sorry, I don't mean for calling you a whore" seeing Amaras raised eyebrows and hurt look In her eyes Sirius was quick to reasure her, "NO oh merlin no I am sorry that I called you a whore, what I meant was I'm sorry for everything, every little thing that I have ever done to you. From Turning your hair pink to... To not fighting for you when James shouted at you. I was awful to you and I'm not asking you to just forget what I did but I am asking you to give me a chance to prove to you, show you that I'm worthy of being your mate."

Staring at Sirius in shock Amara found it difficult to get words out, blinking rapidly the brunette took a deep breath, mulling over what her mate had said. While she was doing this Sirius was increasingly more nervous thinking she was going to reject him.

"I'm going to tell you exactly what I told Remus, I don't forgive you, not yet, not until you can prove to me that you aren't gonna hurt me again, but I am open to forgiving you once you have proved your apology. And besides Regulus told me a lot about you from when you were kids you sound like a good person." Amara smiled taking Sirius' hand in hers.

Smiling at what his mate said Sirius stood from his seat and walked around to kneel beside her chair. Taking her hand in his once again the eldest black places a dozen soft kisses on her hand as a thank you for her being willing to forgive him.

"Oh wait I have another thing you have to do before I can forgive you" Amara smiled sheepishly. "Anything" Sirius nodded staring into her eyes.

"You need to apologise to Regulus for how you treated him over the years, I know you love him, I mean he's your brother but you're to stubborn to apologise to him alone and I refuse to have a relationship with you when your brother doesn't" Amara whispered a hand on her mates cheek.

"He won't want anything to do with me" Sirius said sadly, blinking rapidly to make his tears go away. Pulling his face up, grey met blue she kissed his cheek softly before saying "we both know that, that is not true, Regulus loves you".

Gathering her stuff Amara kissed Sirius' cheek one last time before leaving the library. Sirius stayed kneeled down on the floor until James who was eavesdropping on their conversation walked over and pushed him over making the eldest black fall to the floor.

"What the fuck Sirius, you hated her not a week ago, you didn't wanna be with a stuck up pureblood and now you're kissing her feet" James whisper shouted trying not to get caught my Madame pince.

Glaring at his best friend for pushing him over Sirius stood, "look prongs I was wrong, she's nice and shes willing to forgive me, seeing her with Remus made me jealous and that made me realise she was literally made for me, for us and I want to be with her. I'm sorry Prongs".

Staring at his brother in all but blood in disbelief with a slight hurt look in his eye James whispered "you're choosing her over me". Moving to pull his brother into a hug Sirius shook his head, "I'm not choosing anybody but I wanna be with her, I want her".

" I don't want her, I've been in love with my Lily pad since I was 11, why couldn't I have gotten Lily." James whispered tears gathering in his eyes. Grey eyes softening Sirius pulled James out of the library and toward the courtyard where they saw Lily and Marlene sat cuddled under a tree reading and laughing.

"Prongs I'm sorry but Lily is happy and I know you love her so let her be happy, let your self be happy" Sirius whispered with a sad look being thrown at the Potter boy. "She's not your Lily pad anymore, but Amara could be yours James don't push her so far that she won't forgive you because that isn't going to end happily for anybody".

James stared at his best friend stray tears falling down his face before pushing his hand away, "I don't want her" he whispered before walking away.

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