Chapter 2

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3rd Pov

Rolling over Amara buried herself further under the warm covers in an attempt to gather some warmth before getting ready for the day. A groan coming from the other side of the room broke her out of her trance making Amara throw back the emerald green covers with a huff and then walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Morning Mara" was the first thing Amara heard as she stepped out from the bathroom dressed in her silver and green uniform, wand attached to her exposed thigh. Humming a morning to Narcissa, Amara made her way to the common room, making sure to grab her bag on the way out.

Entering the common room she quickly walked over and sat herself by Regulus' side, engaging in small tak with everyone around them while waiting for their friends. When their friends arrived they made their way to the Great Hall talking quietly about the classes that are to start later that day.

The day passed quite uneventful that was until dinner, as everybody started to eat the Gryfindors were surprisingly quiet putting everybody on edge. After about half an hour of eating cracks started sounding through the hall followed closely by screams. Every female had their clothes turn invisible leaving them in their underwear.

Every male in Slytherin was quick to take of their robes and cover a female classmate. Regulus quickly covered the whimpering Amara. " shhh.. Shhh it's going to be ok, breath" he whispered softly as he shot murderous glares at the Gryfindor table who just so happened to be the only table uneffected.

Amara vaguely heard "Black, Potter, Lupin, Pettigrew" but she wasn't paying much attention she was to busy trying to make her way out of the hall accompanied by an embarrassed Narcissa and a murderous Bellatrix. Severus was currently being held back from killing the marauders by Lucius who was whispering promises of their death to Severus.

The next morning Amara was told by a fuming Severus that the marauders only suffered a weeks worth of detention. Amara had refused to eat that day worried that the marauders might pull another prank, it wasn't until Regulus threatened to owl her mother that she agreed to eat.

Walking to Potions the next morning Amara and Regulus were joking, making bad puns that was until they were stopped by the very people Amara dreaded seeing. Amara tried to hastily pull Regulus past the Gryfindors but his stubborn ass was not letting what happened the day before go. "Hey you know Sirius I never took you for one to be attracted to eleven year olds" Regulus stated in a calm collected tone, while his steel grey eyes stared his brother down. "Excuse me" came Sirius' reply followed by an obviously forced chuckle. " Well I mean you turned 11 year old little girls clothes invisible just to see their underwear I mean kinda creepy if you ask me" Regulus replied with an equally forced laugh.

Potter was quick to come to blacks defence calling Regulus all kind of derogatory terms, while Lupin and Pettigrew looked kind of ashamed of their actions but not enough to stand up to Potter and Black.

"Hey back the fuck off" Amara screamed in a sudden burst of Gryfindor like bravery while pushing the advancing James Potter away from her best friend.

"Oh look, little freak found her voice" Black taunted, making Amaras sudden bravery leave her body. " Reg we didn't pull the prank to look at 11 year olds so don't be a fucking prat, but I mean your little girlfriend put on one hell of a show" Potter jeered followed closely by black saying " Ya her lacy black underwear I mean she may have one ugly face but she has one banging body".

Amara quickly hid herself behind Regulus who by now was seeing red, quickly grabbing his arm she tried to drag him away from the group. As they sat down in potions Amara was having a hard time stopping the tears falling down her face and Regulus was clenching and unclenching his fists attempting to talk himself out of murdering his own brother.

The next month was filled with the same, bullying and pranks from the marauders, jokes and trips to hogsmead with the Slytherins. Before Amara knew it, it was Halloween they day when all the 6th years would find out their soulmates.

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