Part one

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Word count (1715)

Smoke filled my lungs as I called for my parents. "Mother!" I called, "father!"

I went to grab the handle of my door but it was hot. I had no other choice but to climb out my window.

The fire blazed as I scrambled to open my only window in my room.

After I had unlatched it, I pulled up the glass and looked out to see-

"Y/n! Hello? Y/n, I just asked you a question." The man on the opposite bench of the carriage said.

"S-sorry, I was just lost in thought," I said while looking at my hands.

"We will be arriving in Avonlea soon, we just passed the lake."

All I could do was nod my head.

For the next fifteen minutes, the ride was silent. I looked outside and watched the beautiful sunset. Maybe I should paint that.


"Y/n!" I heard my aunt Esme as we got closer to her home. My aunt was a very interesting person. She only came to Charlottetown twice a year, once to see us for Christmas, and a second time to go to a very big party that her friend hosted.

"Oh y/n darling! You made it, I'll have George take your things." She smiled at me.

I went to go hug her, "thank you for taking in aunt Esme."

"After we get you settled in, I'll take you into town so we can get you new dresses and supplies for school," she said while taking me inside.

Her home was about two thirds the size of my old home. Her late husband, my uncle, was also a tradesman like my father. My family used to take lots of trips to many different places because of my fathers job. One of my most favorite trips was last summer when we went to Trinidad, there were many beautiful colors and places to visit there. Oh how I miss it...

"This is your room," my aunt said as we walked down a hallway. "There is a bathroom at the end of the hall you can use. I'm sure George has already placed your things on your bed, I'll come in in a half an hour to take you to town." I nodded my head and walked into my room.

My things, which just consisted of a medium sized partially burnt carpetbag and a straw hat, were neatly placed on the foot of my new bed. As I wandered around the room I couldn't help but think about home. It hasn't really hit me yet and I don't know why.

The sun peaked through my curtains early in the morning waking me up. Another beautiful day. I jumped out of bed and made my way downstairs, "ah, good morning darling." Mother said while sitting with father in the breakfast nook. "Morning mother, father," I replied sitting down with them. "I was thinking y/n, why don't we go down to the lake today." My father said looking up over his paper. "That would be splendid!" I replied.

That was the day before the fire. Three days ago.

Three days ago. Now they're gone.

"Y/n, it's time to go!" I heard my aunt call from downstairs breaking me out of my thoughts. Thank goodness.

"Coming!" I replied while skipping down the stairs.

"I'm going to take you to my dear friend Jeannie's shop. She sells the most beautiful dresses." Aunt Esme said smiling to me.

I smiled back, "I can't wait."

You and Me ~ Gilbert Blythe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now