Part two

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Word count (1247)

Gilbert Blythe

He stood there with his hand in his pocket and turned around to see what the commotion was all about. I couldn't believe we actually went to the same school, it made me happy to see a familiar face.

"Y/n!" He beamed and walked over to me.

Everyone was looking at us but I didn't care.

"Hi Gilbert," I replied.

"I didn't know you'd be going here," he said while scratching his neck.

"Yeah, I just moved here from Charlottetown-"

We were interrupted by a loud yet extremely monotone voice, "alright class, get into your seats."

Everyone snapped out of it and I took a seat behind Anne, and next to a girl that was sniffling slightly and seemingly trying to keep as much distance away from me as possible. I just shrugged it off.

"We have a new student here today, y/n, would you mind standing up?"

I slowly stood up and felt every pair of eyes on me.

"Class, this is y/n l/n, she just moved here."

I sat down immediately after and placed my slate out in front of me.

The first half of the day went pretty okay, the strange girl next to me would not talk to me, but I didn't care because I kept sneaking small glances to Gilbert. I even caught him looking at me a few times and we grinned at each other.

After we were dismissed for lunch, Anne asked me if I wanted to sit with the girls, but I said that I wanted to sit alone for today. This was actually my first time in a real school. Back in Charlottetown, my parents had hired a tutor that taught me basic things like reading and writing. But she mostly taught me things on how to act like a lady. It was exhausting and lonely, so being around many people will take some getting used to.

I made my way outside with my basket and went to go sit by the stream.

The air was peaceful yet brisk as I sat down on one of the bigger rocks.

"Hey there pretty girl." I heard from behind me and I froze.

"What's the matter huh? Miss your parents?" The boy behind me mocked.

How does he know?? I refused to turn around. Panic rose up in me.

"Why won't you look at me? I'm trying to talk to you." He said a little more aggressively and he grabbed my wrist, making my sandwich fall into the stream.

I flinched and finally turned around to look at him. His face was too close but I could still make out his features. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey! Billy! Leave her alone!" A familiar voice called from behind the boy.


"Come on Blythe, just having a bit of fun. I mean she's a pretty thing isn't sh-"

"Billy I said leave her alone!" Gilbert said, getting closer.

Billy let go of my wrist and held up both arms "whatever Blythe," and sauntered off.

"I'm so sorry about that, "that's Billy, and he can be a big jerk sometimes." Gilbert said sitting down next to me.

"It's alright," I sighed and looked down at my sandwich, which was now completely soaked and ruined.

"You can share my lunch," Gilbert offered and took out some bread and fruit.

You and Me ~ Gilbert Blythe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now