World War Mari

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World War Mari

"Oh Chelsea, you are partners with Jacobs." Mademoiselle Alarie says when she walks in.

Nolan is trying to have a conversation with me still in his arms, and I feel Mari's gaze on us.

"Oh my gosh, I've missed you so much." Nolan is digging his grave deeper. And Amarion snaps when Nol's head gets so much closer to my neck.

I step out of his grasp and push my hands on Mari's chest.

"Mari, calm down!"

"Who is he? I have never seen him before! How do you know him! Why is-"

Everyone is watching us, and I know Nolan has a smug face.

"Get that smirk off your face-"

"Amarion! Look at me!" I yell, and he finally listens. He kind of looked hurt that I called him by his name.

I pull him into the hall.

"Is that why you wanted different classes?" He asks me straight up.

I laugh because of how crazy this is.

"Mari, I've known Nolan since I was one and a half. This summer, I worked with him so he can audition for a scholarship. He didn't get it but got into this school's art program. He has one more chance since he attends this school. Mademoiselle Alarie saw our partnership and said we would be partners." Most people in this school are in the art program. It's very, very difficult to get into the athletic program.

"Why did you let him get so close to you?" He bares his teeth.

"Nolan doesn't like me like that, Mari, trust me on that."

"He smirked at my anger-"

I pull his head towards me and whisper in his ear, "Mari get over yourself. Nolan doesn't like girls!"

"Oh." He pulls back, and his whole mood relaxes.

Then he tenses, "did she say I'm partners with Chelsea?" He points towards the studio door.

I nod, laughing, "I bet you wanna switch classes now. You should've taken drama. Now come on."

We walk into the room. Everyone is getting to know their partners. Chelsea is in the washroom doing whatever. I take the opportunity to get Nolan and Mari aquatinted.

"Nolan, that's the one I told you about this summer."

"Amarion, since you look like you don't want to kill me, you probably know my little secret."

Before Amarion responds, I butt in, "no, I did not tell him you like to partake in illegal drinking. Getting yourself wasted and running the streets telling the world your a classy queen-"

The boy slaps his hand over my mouth, and I die with laughter.

"You know what, I'm just gonna- Chelsea perfect time get me away from these weird people." Mari runs from us.

"Class today, I don't have a lesson because there are way too many beginners in here. So Isabella, Nolan, you may entertain the class."

"Mademoiselle, they'll get bored if we perform ballet," Nolan says.

"Do what you want." She waves us off.

We turn to the audience, "genre suggestions?"

The boys, simultaneously excluding my boyfriend and his close friends, say, "club."

My eyes dart to Amarion, "you can dance like that?" He questions concerningly.

"I think you've forgotten that I've been dancing since diapers. I was looking at you wondering if you need to leave the room because you are annoying-"

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