Dalek Part 2

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Celeste smiled as she heard the guards talking about a blue box that appeared in the museum, she almost had enough energy to break out

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Celeste smiled as she heard the guards talking about a blue box that appeared in the museum, she almost had enough energy to break out. The Dalek incident was two weeks ago and she had been more patient then she had been at any other point in her life.

Far above, The Doctor was showing Van Statten how to play an alien musical instrument and Alfie was glaring at a boy who seemed to be eyeing up his sister, not that she seemed to mind.

"Who exactly are you?" Van Statten asks the Doctor and subtly watches the CCTV of the lightbulb, she seemed more active today, that and her eyes were golden again.

"The Doctor" The Doctor replies, frowning when he notices the recognition in the collectors' eyes.

"So you're the Doctor?" Van Statten asks excited and Alfie frowns not liking his tone, Rose just carries on ogling Adam.

"You heard of me?" The Doctor says, a slight hard edge to his tone.

"So which one of you two is The Destruction?" Van Statten glees looking at Alfie and Rose, Alfie stepping protectively in front of his sister which makes Van Statten grin all the more. "That must be you then, the girl will be glad you two are here"

"Who is she?" Alfie speaks up for the first time and Van Statten shrugs frowning.

"No idea, she won't give her name. She was beautiful when she came in, though unfortunately I couldn't admire that as we had to tranquiliser her as soon as she came in"

Alfie and the Doctor exchange glances wondering if it could be their mystery girl.

"What does she look like?" Rose spoke up for her friend and brother, Van Statten raises an eyebrow before showing them a picture of Celeste and the current CCTV of her in the cell.

Both the Doctor and Alfie step forward angrily, a slight growl coming from their throats. Van Statten eyes light up and gain an eager gleam.

"You know her then?" Van Statten asks smiling and the Doctor glares at him angrily.

"Release her"

"I can't she is extremely dangerous, killed 30 of my soldiers" Van Statten pulls up the security footage of when Celeste first arrived, the Doctor and Alfie watching closely.

Shock crossed their faces when they saw her power display, answering their earlier questions of why the base looked so war torn. The Doctor narrow his eyes when he sees Samuel get transported away and soon Alfie has his fists clenched in anger at the treatment she is being given.

"I won't mention what she did to our other live subject, I'll let you see that for yourself." Van Statten says as the footage ends. "You can visit her when we go down there, you can only take one of your....companions"

Rose looks expectantly at the Doctor but the Doctor looks at Alfie with a determined look in his eye, they were going to get their mystery girl.

Rose pouted and sadness washed over her, quickly being replaced with glee as excitement filled her whilst she got taken away by Adam.

Celeste smiled to herself, as she heard her cell door being opened. Her head was hanging down exhausted from being chained to the wall 24/7.

Alfie and the Doctor entered her cell, both of them filled with anger at the sight of their mystery girl chained up like some animal.

"Hello boys, what brings you to this part of town?" Celeste chuckles as Alfie rushes over to her looking for her injuries, while the Doctor starts on her chains with his sonic. "As much as I appreciate this and all, you might want to focus on the Dalek in the cell next to me"

Both stopped in their what they were doing and look at her with two different combined emotions. Fear and anger, Alfie didn't know why he felt like this but all he knew was that he wanted to kill this Dalek creature. It was like every cell of his body was alight with fire and suddenly wired to finding this creature

"We can get you out first" The Doctor says determinedly, not looking up from the chains he was trying to sonic open. His eyes were set in a frown, a deep anger burning in his eyes. 

"Doctor" He pauses at her tone and finally looks at her, his eyes softening with an emotion that he couldn't quite decipher. "Please"

"Fine" The Doctor reluctantly leaves, giving his sonic to Alfie who had be taught earlier on how to use it. "Do not let her be harmed again."

"Alfie, I'll be okay. I can get myself to Samuel." Celeste says to the older Tyler as he starts to sonic the chains.

"You need help mystery girl" Alfie says without even thinking.

"Mystery girl?" Celeste chuckles and rubs her wrists gratefully once she was free of her chains, looking down at her clothes, she grimaces at the dirt coating her body. "I liked this outfit as well"

"We didn't know your name" Alfie explains as he gently leads her out of her old cell after she secured her jewellery in her pocket.

"Ah well you still won't Alfie" She looks around shivering slightly and flinches a little when she sees the eager eyes of Van Statten's guards eyeing her up.

"Go" The boy whispers in her ear and she smiles at him gratefully, golden light enveloping her as she travels back to Samuel's apartment.

"You fucking bitch, it's been five weeks, why didn't you let me come and get you?" Samuel storms over to her his eyes bleeding into their demonic black colour because of his anger.

"You know why Sammie" Celeste says her voice unusually soft. "Van Statten wasn't going to get you again, I'll do whatever I have to do to protect you. Besides, imagine the chaos he'd cause if he were to of gotten a hold of the demon world."

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