Fathers Day

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Celeste and Samuel were in their shared apartment watching a movie, it had been two weeks since they had last seen the golden trio and Celeste was heavily missing her boys.

"They're not your boys Cel" She mentally corrected herself and focused on watching the movie, the feeling of missing someone other than Samuel was quite foreign to her.

She brushed it off and snuggled closer into Samuel's side, both of them dressed in pyjamas. It was a tradition that have had ever since Celeste arrived in Samuel's world, they would have a day just in their pyjamas and they would only watch movies while eating junk food. They have often had people ask when they got together, both of them replying with a hasty and grossed out explanation of how they're just best friends.

They both gazed lovingly at the screen as speeding cars flew across the screen, Dom trying to pull Ramsey into the car while getting rammed in the side by Shaw. The movie was quickly interrupted by Celeste sitting up with a sharp gasp, clutching at her chest in pain.

"Cellie?" Samuel asked vulnerably as he puts his hands on his best friends arms. "What's wrong?"

"What episode did I say was next?" Celeste said, her breath rough as she struggled to breathe normally. "Something is wrong. I can't breathe."

Her eyes were flickering golden and Samuel took her face in his hands, examining her eyes.

"Father's day, we wrote it down remember? Rose saves her father" Samuel says, his mind clicking to the problem "You're a living part of the time vortex, Rose messed up the timeline. Of course! It's hurting  you Cel."

Her face pales as her hands started to light up, Samuel clutching onto her tightly. She starts to lose consciousness and Samuel holds her tightly in his arms.


"There's been an accident in time. A wound in time. They're like bacteria, taking advantage."

"What no I couldn't have done this." Rose gasps horrified at her brother but he just frowns, not saying anything, for once disappointed in his sister.

"Sorry blondie but you did."

Everyone spins around to see Samuel with pitch black eyes holding the unconscious body of Celeste who was glowing faintly. Everyone steps back in fear, apart from the Doctor and Alfie who run to the pair.

"What's wrong with her?" The Doctor scanned her with the screwdriver and looked in shock at the results. The Time Lord just stares at what he was reading, not quite being able to come to terms with what he had just uncovered. "No...this isn't possible, she should be dead. How is she alive?!" 

He looked up at Samuel, disbelief and slight amazement written all over his face. 

"Doctor what is it?" Alfie asked, his eyebrows raising at the Doctor's reaction.

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