The Wolves of New Orleans Part Three

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"It's quite simple Elijah, I don't know why you've made the Little Star repeat it a dozen times." Klaus sighed, kicking a couple of stones across the ground. He carried Celeste on his back, the brunette claiming she was getting tired after the first hour in the bayou. Klaus secretly thought it was just Elijah that was tiring her.

"It's just impossible to believe." Elijah looked at Celeste half dozing on Klaus's back, his voice full of disbelief.

"I can burn your dick off with the time vortex, if it'll help you believe me." Celeste murmurs sleepily, a small chuckle leaving Klaus's lips.

"Perhaps not." Elijah swallowed, face paling slightly. He looked ahead at the forest, eyes scanning the area for possible threats. "If you are telling the truth, why do you have the same face as Hayley?"

It was silent for a few minutes, a small, amused smile forming on Klaus's face as he heard the small snore's leaving Celeste. Elijah almost did a double take at the soft, fond look on his brother's face. It was one he had only seen around Hope and when he was alive, Henrik.

"Parallel worlds remember brother? A lot of things are different." The hybrid's tone had dropped so it was softer and quieter, not wanting to wake up the brunette on his back.

"And the men with her? The one who looks like me, they're aliens?" Disbelief filled Elijah's voice, still displeased over the fact that someone shared the same face as him. He supposes this is how Katerina and Elena felt.

"Time Lords, extremely powerful. I wouldn't recommend making them your enemy Elijah. They could burn entire planets if they wanted to, just imagine what they can do to you." Klaus looked at his brother, eyes as serious as his tone. "Please, be careful."

The pair were interrupted, stopping Elijah from responding to his brother. A  wolf runs out from the forest, snarling quietly at the Originals, canines bared. Elijah raises his hands, backing up slightly. Klaus sighs and turns so the wolf could see Celeste on his back, hoping this would make the wolf want to kill them a bit less.

"We're here for her."


Alfie and the Doctor walked into the makeshift lab, eyes falling on a tall blonde examining one of the bodies. Memories flood Alfie's mind and he clenches his jaw, pushing them away.

"Oh good, you're both here at last. Nick told me you were coming." She turned, her warm British accent filling the coldness of the room. "I'm Rebekah"

"I'm Doctor and this is Alfie, it's nice to meet you." The Doctor smiles, holding out his hand eagerly. Rebekah smiled and shook his hand, her eyes widening as they fall on Alfie.

"God, you really are a splitting image of my brother."

Alfie just chuckled and gave a sheepish smile. He preferred the blonde to his lookalike.

"So, are these the other bodies?" The Doctor walked over to one of the bodies, picking up a scalpel and gently poking the corpse. Alfie joined his side, eyes curious as he looked at the persons lifeless eyes.

"Yes, 14 other bodies. All young in their early 20s-30s. The blue residue seems to just stay in the wound." Rebekah walked to the table, standing on the other side of it. "It doesn't seem to be poisonous."

To demonstrate, Rebekah reaches her finger to one of the wounds on the corpses body and touches the residue. Nothing happened as the Time Lords watched with interest.

Alfie reaches out a finger, touching the blue goo as smushing it between his two fingers. Instantly he feels a burning pain flash through him, gasping as he falls back against the counter behind him.

"Alfie?!" The Doctor goes to him panicked as he grabs a cloth and wipes the poisonous toxin off him.

Panicked, Alfie looks at the Doctor with blurry vision, his consciousness starting to fade. Away from the pair, Rebekah starts trying to find an anti-toxin.

"Just stay with me Alfie, stay conscious." Despite the Doctor's desperate words, Alfie feels his eyes close as he collapses into the older Time Lord's arms. "Rebekah, we need an anti-toxin, now!"


"Testing subject five, powers show signs of time control."

A dark-haired man sat chained to a wall, breathing laboured as electricity surged through him. He yelled in pain, eyes shining silver as he looked at his torturers.

"Subject five shows potential signs of being a strong weapon."

"Forget the Daleks, I'll kill you all myself." His voice was low and gravelly, eyes bright with anger.

"Subject five still contains resistance to its superiors. Carry on with more tests, the weapon must be perfect."

The man screamed in pain, time stopping around him as alarms go off. Scientists rush in, slow in their movements as silver energy flows around them.

"Subject ready for battle."


The Doctor rushes around the lab, grabbing chemicals. Rebekah watches him, eyes wide.

"There's only a few toxins with that colour and affect that harm Time Lords, I should be able to make an antidote." The Doctors words were rushed as his eyes flicked over to Alfie, worry in them.

Just hang on Alfie


"What the hell is that idiot doing?" A fiery dark-haired woman looked at an older man firing at a wall, her eyes bright and silver as she shot at Daleks.

"He's the Doctor Five, he's doing whatever he wants as usual." A fellow soldier spoke at her side, only to fall down dead a moment later as they get exterminated.

Five didn't look at her fallen colleague as she moved her hands rapidly, a silver glow encasing a group of Daleks as their form gets reversed to dust.

"At least someone has some freedom here."


"I've got it!" The Doctor runs to Alfie and injects him in the neck with a syringe, eyes wide with worry. "Come on, wake up for me Alfie."

After a few moments of silence, Rebekah watching with bated breath, Alfie gasps, eyes opening quickly. The Doctor let's out a sigh of relief, a flash surprise going through him as Alfie yanks the man into a hug, breathing heavily.

"It's okay, you're alright. You're not back there." The older Time Lord's voice was soft and comforting, suspicions confirmed about Alfie having flashbacks of being back on Gallifrey. Rebekah watched them both with soft eyes, it reminded her of her brothers when they were all much younger.

"At least we know what the alien is now, barely any toxins do that to us." Alfie quietly murmured, resting his head back against the wall. The Doctor nodded, sighing."


I hope you liked this chapter, let me know what you think!!

There will be more explanations on the flashbacks and subject five in the next chapter.

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