A New Time Lord

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*Imagine the hair as her usual colour :)*

*Bit shorter than usual, very very sorry*

"Are we doing it now?" Celeste asks walking into the Console room, both the Doctor and Alfie stared at her new outfit openly, making her blush brightly

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"Are we doing it now?" Celeste asks walking into the Console room, both the Doctor and Alfie stared at her new outfit openly, making her blush brightly.

"As soon as Alfie is ready" The Doctor finally responds, managing to just drag his eyes away from his mystery girl. "Rose won't be joining us"

A pang of hurt hits Alfie as the Doctor tells Celeste, he really thought his sister would be with him for a life changing experience. Celeste notices the change in the soon to be Time Lord's mood and she walks over to him, gently wrapping him in a hug.

"She's not worth it." Celeste whispers not noticing the fond smile on the Doctor's face. Their interaction reminded him of how bonded couples would act on Gallifrey, unfortunately he knows there's no chance of him having a bonded as all the Time Ladies were gone now and it was unheard of to have a human bonded.

The trio went into a secure room in the TARDIS after Celeste insisted on not letting Alfie's possible regeneration destroy the console room.

Alfie looks to the Doctor and his Feisty, he takes a moment before opening the pocket watch in his hand. The Doctor moves Celeste behind him just as bright burning light fills the room, a loud pained groan comes from Alfie and he drops to his knees barely visible as the light fades. The new Time Lord lets out continuous grunts and pained groans as he feels his entire DNA get rewritten, memories of Gallifrey flood his mind along with all the past knowledge he used to have.

"Alfie?" Celeste cautiously asked once Alfie had been silent for a number of tense minutes. The Doctor motioned for Celeste to stay where she was and he crept forward, he gently places a hand on Alfie's shoulder and kneels in front of him.

"Alfie are you okay?" The Doctor asked, his voice flooded with concern for the new Time Lord. He tried to keep his excitement under control at the fact he was no longer alone and he focused on the boy in front of him. But unknown to him, Alfie was heavily focused on the hundreds of questions that were currently being answered due to his new-found knowledge.

He was a Time Lord. A Time Lord. He was from the planet Gallifrey and was 750 years old, he was on his 8th regeneration, three of his regeneration's being used in the war. He got away by being the only one left alive from a failed experiment that the High War Council of Gallifrey started. He could manipulate time, he had to ability to reverse and slow time which explained why he was ten years old when Jackie adopted him.

"Doctor....I remember.....the Daleks....they were everywhere" Tears formed in Alfie's eyes as he looked up at the Doctor. Sadness fills the older Time Lord's eyes as he looks at Alfie in understanding. "I'm 750 years old, 8th regeneration....an experiment by the War Council"

Shock flooded both Celeste and the Doctor as they heard the astonishing words come out of Alfie's mouth.

"I heard rumours but they said all the test subjects died. Alfie....you're the only Time Warper left." The Doctor said quietly and Celeste came forward, sitting beside Alfie.

"I'm sorry Alfie" Celeste says quietly and Alfie looks up at her, a warm feeling overcoming his hearts as he feels a tether form between them. He stared at her in shock and the Doctor looked up in confusion, only to feel the same tether form. Both Time Lords just stared at Celeste as they felt themselves only able to focus on their new found bonded in front of them. "What?"

"Um...nothing" Both Time Lords said simultaneously and she frowned in confusion before shrugging it off. Before anyone could say any more, Alfie slumps into Celeste suddenly as he becomes unconscious. The Doctor quickly scans him with his sonic and he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Regeneration coma" He confirms for Celeste and she mirror his previous sigh of relief.

"I guess all his previous regenerations are overwhelming his mind." Celeste murmurs as she pushes back some hair from the unconscious Time Lord's head.

"Right as ever Feisty"

The two managed to bring Alfie to his room and they left him to sleep whilst they returned to the console room.

"Go on" Celeste speaks up after a few minutes of comfortable silence, mostly the Doctor thinking about how to tell Celeste she is his and Alfie's bonded. He looks up confused and she gently smiles at him as she sits down on the jump seat. "Go on an adventure with Rose, go to the hospital. I'll keep an eye on Alfie"

"What would I do without you Feisty?"

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