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I haven't watched blink for a long time (It terrifies me even to this day) so if anything doesn't match up to the episode, then just go with it.

The Doctor - Bold and Italics
Alfie - Italics
Celeste - Bold

The Doctor is on a monitor screen in a room at the far end. His voice is urgent, eyes darting off camera every now and then to look at someone else. "Yes. They're coming. They're coming for you, but listen, your life could depend on this. Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink. Good luck."

A lot of screens reside in the room, showing images of the Doctor and Alfie, some with Celeste or Martha. All of them either have a look of worry or urgency.

"Survive for us." Celeste say's off screen, her tone worried. "Survive to save us."



Back Room

Sally enters the room, looking at the screen with a small frown of confusion. The Doctor was on screen with Martha, both looking towards Sally.

"Hello?" Sally says, her voice soft despite the intense gaze of the two time travellers. Off screen, a woman and man laugh quietly.


"Sorry." She replies, going off screen and being replaced with Alfie. The younger Time Lord had stubble covering his jaw, a small light in his eyes despite the situation.

"Quite possibly." The Doctor says, eyes dipping down for a moment.

"Afraid so." Alfie adds, absent mindlessly doodling on Celeste who was still off camera.

Larry enters from further in the premises, he gives Sally a surprised look, eyes darting to the Doctor occasionally.

"Oh. Hello. Can I help you?" Larry asks, the surprise still etched into his face.


"Thirty eight." Both of them look at the Doctor on the monitor, Alfie looking at someone off camera. Larry reaches forward, pausing the playback on the tv.

"Message from your sister. She's had to go away for a bit."  Sally gives a small smile, leaning against the shelf next to her.


"Just a work thing, nothing to worry about. She said loves you." A small grin of amusement makes its way onto Sally's face, as she looks at the bewildered look on Larry's face. He seemed like he didn't know whether to be pleased or worried.

"She what?"

"She said to say. She just sort of mentioned it. She loves you. There, that's nice, isn't it?" The grin remained on Sally's face; she was refraining from laughing at Larry's reaction. The relationship between the siblings was always amusing to her.

"Is she ill? Am I ill?" Larry was still shocked, wondering what could have prompted his sister to give Sally something so nice to say to him. They didn't usually share such endearments.

It took some time of Sally reassuring Larry that his sister wasn't sick, nor was she playing a trick on him. She did have to admit, that the whole ordeal was very amusing for her.

"Yeah. Yeah, people don't understand time. It's not what you think it is." Alfie interrupted, the video playing again. "Feisty love, stay still, I'm almost finished with my drawing."

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