The Parting Of The Ways

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"We've got incoming!"

Celeste had her hands on the TARDIS console and was piloting the time machine through her psychic link with the TARDIS, it was a long shot when she first thought of it but thankfully it worked.

"The extrapolator's working. We've got a fully functional forcefield. Try saying that when you're drunk." Captain Jack Harkness laughed and Celeste rolled her eyes with a smile. "You doing okay firefly?"

"Firefly?" She questioned as she narrowed her eyes in concentration. "That's new"

"You light up and you're cute, hence firefly" He winks at her and she rolls her eyes again.

"Now Jack" She says suddenly, Rose and a Dalek appearing in the TARDIS. "DUCK!"

Rose ducks and Jack takes out the Dalek with his modified Defabricator, Rose runs over to Jack and she engulfs him in a hug while Celeste pats the console.

"Well done Sexy" She whispers to the TARDIS and grins when there's a light series of trills that surround her.

"Where's the Doctor and Al?" Rose asks looking around, annoyance written over her face when she just see's Celeste.

"Don't call your brother Al" Celeste corrects without thinking, "Their back on Satellite five working on the Delta Wave."

Celeste walks to the TARDIS doors and opens them, slipping out. Not that Rose cared and Jack was too distracted to notice.

"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! It is the Shadow!"

The Dalek rays are stopped by a forcefield and Celeste can't help the small smirk that comes onto her face. Every Dalek rolls back from Celeste in fear, confusion shining in her eyes before she pushes it away again.

"The Dalek Emperor....the only reason the Dalek's survived the Time War. Tell me...why the Shadow and Destruction, I already know why you call the Doctor The Oncoming Storm but I don't understand about myself and Alfie." Her voice was quiet with a dark edge as she stared out confidently into the Dalek race. Unknown to her, the Daleks were sending a transmission to the Doctor and Alfie, who were watching her every move and listening to her every word.

"The Shadow is a named that is feared across the stars, with her Doctor and Destruction they have destroyed their enemies. Nobody knows her name yet it is the most feared one alongside the Doctors and Destructions." The Dalek Emperor answers after a few minutes silence, a light flashes on and the Dalek's broken body is revealed but Celeste just rolls her eyes at the theatrics.

"You won't survive this battle against the Doctor, you'll always find a way to come back but with every attempt and every attack you never win." Her voice become harder with every word she spoke and the hate was obvious "Millions of people have died because of the Daleks....but millions of Daleks have been destroyed because of the Doctor, wouldn't you of learned by now to stop trying? Just fucking die."

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