The Christmas Invasion

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"Doctor stop adding more speed!!" Celeste yelled as the TARDIS almost crashed into Rose's block of flats.

"You can never have too much speed Feisty!" The Doctor replies with a grin but the girl just rolls her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me mystery girl"

"I'll do what I want Time Lord" She retorted, as she clung to the rails next to Alfie.

"He's crazy" Alfie whispers to her and she grins.

"He's high"

Finally, the TARDIS lands and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. The Doctor stumbles outside with Rose not far behind, Celeste walks over to the console and strokes her softly.

"You okay sexy?" She says quietly and Alfie watches with amazement as the TARDIS responds with a series of light trills. "I promise you, there is one time where he regenerates outside and doesn't set you on fire"

More light trills fill the console room as if the TARDIS was laughing and Celeste chuckles in response as she walks back over to Alfie.

"How?" He asks and she smiles as she takes his hand, she brings him over to the console and places his hand directly on the glowing console.

"She's is a sentient being Alfie, you can feel the warmth under your hand, the small hums in how she reacts to you." Celeste explains quietly before she walks out and leaves him to it.

"What do you mean, that's the Doctor? Doctor who?" Jackie questions and Celeste silently follows them into the flat, she would rather not be there but she didn't want to leave the Doctor for some reason unknown to her.

"Who is she?" Mickey asks Rose, watching the strange quiet girl check the Doctor's heartbeats.

"Some random girl, my brother and the Doctor adore her. I don't see why, she's a bitch" Rose mutters to Mickey and he frowns at Rose's behaviour.

"Shame we don't have that zero room anymore" Celeste mumbled to the Doctor's unconscious form, ignoring the conversation going on behind her.

"Maybe we should take him to the hospital" Jackie says walking in with Alfie, the latter holding a mug of mango juice.

"You can't" Alfie and Celeste say immediately at the same time, both hiding small smiles.

"He's a Time Lord, an alien. Taking him to a human hospital won't help him. He's fine, he's just in a regeneration coma,  both hearts are working so just don't wake him up he'll be fine." Celeste says, ignoring all the shocked faces minus Alfie who didn't seemed to be surprised by her knowledge anymore.

"Anything else he has two of" Jackie asks making her children grimace while Celeste sniggers, very much amused.

The Tyler's and Mickey leave, leaving Celeste alone with the Doctor. She smiles down at him, sadness on her face.

"I know you can hear what I'm saying...I will explain at some point...the thing is...I'm running and I just can't afford to be found, it's a self-defence thing you know? I know I can trust you, it'll just take time." She sighs and runs a hand through her hair, she goes to leave when she see's the Doctor's fingers twitching. She gently takes a hold of his finger gently "Do you want me to stay?"

He squeezes her fingers so lightly, it would go unnoticeable If she wasn't playing attention.

"I'll stay focus on getting better." She smiles and squeezes back gently then she chuckles quietly "You know as a child one of my favourite regenerations was your second, I always found him quite funny especially when he would play the flute. Oh and fourth! He was brilliant, would you like a jelly baby?" She poorly imitates before laughing.

"You know a lot about him" A voice appears and Celeste jumps slightly, accidently gripping the Doctor's hand tightly.

She turned around to see Mickey leaning against the doorway. And she nodded her head slowly.

"It's complicated but yeah I know loads about him, his future and his past....well most of his past." Celeste muses looking fondly at the Time Lord in front of her, she was feeling quite sentimental all of a sudden.

"Do you know his name?" Mickey asked hesitantly, coming further into the room. He sat down on the chair opposite the girl that nobody knew anything about and waited eagerly for her answer.

"I don't Mickey, it's one of the oldest and most feared questions in the universe" She said, she leant forward to brush the hair out of his face and she twirled a piece in her fingers before putting it back down. "I was always particularly fond of this regeneration." Her voice was quiet and she suddenly sat up straight, remembering something.

"Why aren't you shopping with Rose?" She said suddenly and Mickey gave a sheepish expression.

"She's out with her mum, she wanted me to keep an eye on you because she doesn't trust you with the Doctor" He confessed and Celeste narrowed her eyes, panic on her face. "What?"

"Pilot fish, the Doctor's regeneration energy it's attracting them" She stood up going over to the Doctor's jacket neatly folded at the end of the bed and she started searching for the sonic screwdriver. "Get Alfie now Mickey! Phone Rose, get her and her mum back here. How could I forget?!"

Mickey ran out of the room and less than a minute later Alfie came running in.

"Rose and mum are on their way back, Mickey is talking to them now. What are you looking for?" The older Tyler questioned and Celeste didn't reply, still searching hurriedly.

"Hey look at me" Alfie says, taking Celeste's hands in his own. "Calm, it's okay. It's in the inside pocket on the right."

She breathes a sigh of relief and smiles at him gratefully.

"Thank you Alfie" She said quietly and she took the sonic screwdriver out of the Doctor's jacket just as the rest of the Tyler's run into the room with Mickey. "Christmas tree?" Her normal demeanour was back and you never would have guessed she was panicking a minute ago.

The trio nodded and got behind Celeste as she pointed the sonic at the door. A few seconds later the tree came shattering through the door and she glared, her eyes flaring golden.

Just point and think, point and think. You know that it's remote control, Feisty you can do it just point and think. She heard the Doctor's voice in her head and frowned at him confused but she did what he said. She points the sonic at the tree and after a dangerously close call, the tree explodes but thankfully injuring nobody. Celeste rushes outside to the balcony and she points the sonic at the predicted Santa robots, the pilot fish teleporting away a moment later.

Good girl.

"Doctor? How are you in my head?" Celeste breathes out in shock, worried the Time Lord wasn't resting.

Due to the time vortex running through you I was able to open a telepathic link between us.

"You need to be resting Doctor, not talking to me" Celeste sighed rubbing her forehead softly. "Just be careful you crazy man, we have some time before they get here and shit happens."

Language. Before who get's here?

"The Sycorax"

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