Small Visits

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*I had the song playing whilst I was writing the bit with the Master, it's just there if you want to listen to it whilst reading

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*I had the song playing whilst I was writing the bit with the Master, it's just there if you want to listen to it whilst reading.*

"Mystery girl...what do I owe the pleasure? Last time I checked, you wanted to rip my throat out." The Master smirked at Celeste as she rolled her eyes, her fingers tapping impatiently against her legs. 

"Believe me I still do but I wanted to take a trip with you" Without a word more, she grabbed his arm and they were standing in the middle of an outer space market.

"The Rings of Akhaten..." The Master was speechless as he looked around, he didn't think he'd be able to come back here. 

"We've got to be careful because the Doctor is here right now, he's just in a newer regeneration." Gently grasping his arm, Celeste pulled the Master towards a stall where she brought a bracelet he didn't identify. 

As they were walking through the market, a merchant grabbed Celeste's arm and started talking in a language she didn't recognise. 

"You might want to let her go" The Master smirked darkly at the crowd who gathered, Celeste tried to tug her wrist out of the alien's tight grip. "She's bonded to the last Time Lord's." 

Instantly, everyone stepped back and the alien holding Celeste immediately let go. Apologies poured out of his mouth, the Master subtly running his eyes over the bruise that was forming on her wrist. 

The pair started to make their way out of the market, not noticing the newer regeneration of the Doctor who had just witnessed the spectacle. He started to walk over to the alien who hurt his bonded, an angry look in his eyes.

Celeste and the Master travelled to a nearby space rock and they sat down on it, an oxygen field spanning from Celeste's bracelet she brought.

"Why did you bring me here?" The Master asked after a few moments of silence, both of them just admiring the view.

"What do you know about me?" 

"You're the Doctor's and Destructions bonded, you know the Doctor's future. You have the powers of the Time Vortex. Nobody knows your name apart from your demon friend Samuel. This isn't your world, you're from a parallel world....." He trailed off, not knowing much else.

"All those are correct but there's one thing you missed, I also know a large portion of your future. And that future is one of the reasons I've taken you here."

"And the other reasons?"

There was no hostility between the two, both simply at ease for once. 

"I saw his pain when you died, the sheer pain in his cries as he held you in his arms. Then later on, you both resolved your issues, both of you having that friendship again....only for an older regeneration to kill the newer version of yourself. I don't think I ever cried so much. Not when the ponds were lost, or when he had to wipe her mind." Celeste paused as she watched the stars, the stars watching her back. "The universe is so beautiful, so unique. Yet you want to create a paradox on Earth and do whatever the fuck you like? What is the point? There is so much to see, so many people to meet. Something new to discover just right around the corner...."

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