Tooth and Claw

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"What do you think of this? Will it do?" Rose asked the Doctor as she gave a little spin in her denim mini dungarees.

"In the late 1970s? You'd be better off in a bin bag." The Doctor grinned, in a good mood from the movie marathon he had with his bonded last night. They watched all the avenger's movies, on Celeste's insistence that the Doctor watched the famous superheroes.

"Ah the 1970s, that's where your aiming to go" Celeste walked in with Alfie, a small smirk on her face.

"Oi! My piloting is excellent...sometimes it just....uh" he scratched the back of his neck "it just gets a bit off sometimes"

Celeste chuckled and sat down on the jump seat crossed legged, Alfie joining by sitting next to her. He was struggling a bit after suddenly becoming a Time Lord, finding his bonded and remembering everything that happened in the war. Hence why he had been staying particularly close to Celeste as she had a calming effect on him.

She didn't know why the new Time Lord had been her little shadow but she found that she really didn't mind and that she rather liked it.

"Just a bit" Celeste teased the older Time Lord with a grin on her face, The Doctor just stuck his tongue out at her and carried on piloting the TARDIS.

"Would you like to see him?" The Doctor carried on talking to Rose, trying to keep his eyes off his ravishing bonded. Every cell in his body was burning with the need to take her away to his room and claim her as his own, well shared with Alfie.

"How'd you mean? In concert?" Rose replied, trying to ignore how Celeste was playing with her brothers hands whilst they were talking quietly with each other.

"Ten quid we land in Scotland" Celeste mutters to Alfie and he grins before it falls as he remember something.

"That's not fair, you know his future" Alfie quietly grumbles and she chuckles quietly, making both the Time Lords in the room feel a warmth blossom in their chests at the noise of her laughter.

"I haven't watched this one very often, I only know the key parts" She replies to him. She had explained to both Time Lords the previous night about how she got her foreknowledge, both were shocked but came to terms with it quickly which very much surprised Celeste.

"Hmph fine, I might as well give you the money now though" He grumbled again but he wasn't really cross with her.

"Hold on tight." The Doctor told everyone and everyone held on tight for the rocky landing. It only lasted for a few minutes before Rose was walking towards the TARDIS doors, ready to open them, whilst the Doctor walked over to his bonded and Alfie.

"Are you coming with us on this one?" The Doctor asked Celeste as he tried to fight the overwhelming urge to kiss her. From what he knew about bonded couples, the urge wasn't usually this strong, what is wrong with him?

"Oh hell yes" She jumped up "I'm not missing the sexy ass accent for anything"

Both Time Lords looked at her confused, the Doctor sporting a bright blush but it quickly faded when she grabbed both of their hands and pulled them excitedly towards the TARDIS doors.

The quartet leave the TARDIS and are instantly put under gunpoint. Both Time Lords instantly position themselves so Celeste was protectively sandwiched between them, she was their first priority no matter what.

"You will explain your presence. And the nakedness of this girl" The officer in charge speaks, looking at Rose in distaste. A small giggle comes from Celeste as she peeks out from behind the Doctor's coat.

"Are we in Scotland?" The Doctor speaks in a Scottish accent and he smiles when he feels a wave of happiness, longing and another emotion he couldn't quite pinpoint coming from Celeste. If he felt those emotions from her, their bond must be getting stronger which is something that made him very happy indeed. The Doctor quickly looked behind at Alfie, who gave a subtle nod to show he felt it also, so she likes Scottish accents – good to know.

"How can you be ignorant of that?" The officer questions, suspicion obvious in his tone.

"Oh, we're, we're dazed and confused. My brother and I, we've been chasing this, this wee naked child over hill and over dale. Isn't that right, ya timorous beastie?" Alfie says stepping forward slightly, though Celeste was still sandwiched between the two Time Lords. A thick Scottish accent also came from Alfie, it was thicker than the Doctor's but it just as equally made Celeste feel weak at the knees.

"Och, aye! I've been oot and aboot." Rose put on a terrible accent and the Doctor grimaced, despite the vibrations he could feel from Celeste's constant quiet giggling.

"No, don't do that." The Doctor says as Alfie gently tickles Celeste, trying to calm her quiet giggles.

"Hoots mon."

"No, really don't. Really."

"Will you identify yourself, sir?" The officer asks, making the Doctor nod compliantly.

"I'm Doctor James McCrimmon, from the township of Balamory. This is my brother Orion McCrimmon, also from the township of Balamory. My wife, Layla McCrimmon I have our credentials, if I may." The Doctor says politely and after a nod of permission from the officer, he gets out his psychic paper.

"As you can see, a Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh. I trained under Doctor Bell himself. My brother is a currently studying for his Doctorate at the university of Edinburgh." The older Time Lord shows them his psychic paper and Celeste blushes at him calling her his wife.

"Let them approach." A posh female English accent says making Celeste instantly stop giggling and straighten her posture.

"I don't think that's wise, ma'am." The solider insists but is ignored as the voice repeats herself.

"You will approach the carriage, and show all due deference."

The quartet nod and approach respectively. A footman appears and opens the carriage door to show to imperial widow Queen Victoria.

"My love, brother, Rose might I introduce her Majesty Queen Victoria. Empress of India and Defender of the Faith." The Doctor introduces, he wraps an arm around Celeste's waist pulling her from Alfie's grasp. Both Time Lords had a small glaring contest, Alfie silently protesting and the Doctor silently telling him it was just to keep up pretences.

"Sure it was...pretences my ass" Alfie thought in annoyance, shaking his head at the other Time Lord. Alfie doesn't like to share and he can already tell that neither does the Doctor...this will be interesting.

"Rose Tyler, Ma'am. And my apologies for being so naked." Rose ducked her head respectively at the Queen before throwing a quick glare at the arm around Celeste's waist, the Queen noticed and narrowed her eyes.

"Layla McCrimmon your majesty, it is an honour" Celeste curtsied and the Queen smiled, instantly liking the girl.

"Doctor. Show me these credentials." The Queen asked and the Doctor showed his psychic paper happily.

"Why didn't you say so immediately? It states clearly here that you and your brother have been appointed by the Lord Provost as my Protector" The Queen passed his 'credentials' back.

"Does it? Yes, it does. Good. Good" The Doctor replied but it was obvious by his voice that he didn't know. Celeste jut face palmed herself and laughed quietly, her silly Time Lord.

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