The Christmas Invasion Part 2

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Long one for you today guys!!

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Long one for you today guys!!

"Everyone into the TARDIS now" Alfie said strongly as himself and Celeste carried the Doctor into the TARDIS. "She's the safest place on the planet"

Celeste frowned as she gently laid the Doctor down on the floor, not used to the cold empty console room. Well she guessed she would have to get used to that with the future that is coming for them.

"What's wrong with the TARDIS?" Rose questioned, sadness obvious in her tone as she looked around her.

"She is linked to the the Doctor, he is in his regeneration coma – do the math" Celeste said shortly, her American accent burning through. "Jackie....can you go get the rest of the food please?"

Jackie nodded and left the TARDIS, not understanding the reason her daughters hates this mystery woman so much. She seemed perfectly nice to her.

"What about the poor controlled people?" Rose sniffled and Celeste refrained from rolling her eyes as she checked the Doctor's hearts again. She felt them speed up a bit under her hands, when she unbuttoned his shirt to check they were beating correctly.

"It's blood control, nothing special just voodoo tricks. The survival instinct is too strong, it's like hypnosis you can't hypnotise someone to death." Celeste explained quietly before stroking the Doctor's hair out of his face, she gave a small smile before standing back up. She hadn't heard from him since she told him it was the Sycorax and she was trying not to focus on the impending thoughts of doom in her head.

"Feisty" Alfie said, looking at the scanner. He could have sworn that they had just been teleported but he wasn't sure.

"You're right Alfie. Give the Doctor some tea and make sure to pour it on the TARDIS" Celeste replied before walking out of the TARDIS, she was instantly grabbed by the Sycorax and Alfie ran out after her – making sure to spill some tea on the way.

The pair were dragged to stand beside Harriet Jones and two other people Celeste didn't give a shit about, she glared lightly at the current Prime Minster as Alfie subtly winded their fingers together making Celeste smile.

"Alife! Oh Alfie my precious boy, is your sister and the Doctor with you?" Harriet whimpered, ripping Alfie from Celeste's grip as she pulled him into a hug.

"My sister is in with the Doctor but he's not well right now" Alfie quietly explained, trying to pry himself from Harriet's grasp. "We have Feisty though."

"Excuse me? Who? This girl" Harriet looked snootily at Celeste and the younger girl just rolled her eyes before facing the Sycorax.

"The dark-haired girl. She has the clever blue box. Therefore, she speaks for your planet." The Sycorax said and Celeste stepped forward, her eyes narrow.

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