Chapter Two

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Robin thanked Mike for the ride before shutting the door, turning and looking up at the bright red letters that spelt out 'LATE NIGHT BAR'. Ah, good memories before the routine started. She shook the thought off as she headed inside, it was ten past eight so they should have all be there already. Robin scanned the booths before she found Ziegs waving her over.
"I told you guys! Now pay up!" She cheered, Russ and Ryan groaning as they pulled out their wallets.
"Hi guys." Robin greeted with a small laugh, Scott greeting her with a hug.
"Hey, long time no see!" He let out a small laugh and she laughed with him.
"Yeah, it's been too long." Robin agreed before sitting down in the booth and slid over, Scott sliding in beside her. "So, you three bet on me?" Ryan and Russ blushed with embarrassment but Ziegs just let out a loud laugh.
"Of course! I knew you'd show up!"
Ryan gave an apologetic look. "Sorry Robin, it's just you turned us down the last nine times, I just assumed-" She shook her head and gave a soft smile.
"Don't worry about it, let's just have a good night." Ryan quickly bounced back and grinned, calling over a waitress. Robin looked over at Ziegs as she leaned towards the British woman. "So, who's the mystery guy?"
Ziegs shrugged. "No idea, Cheyenne and him were supposed to be here a few minutes ago. I swear, if she got lost again." Scott and Robin let out a laugh as Ryan and Russ started ordering different drinks, seemingly all the ones the bar had and could make.
Suddenly Ryan's phone started to ring. "Sup? Oh, hey Chey! Where are you and our friend at? He wants to know what? Yeah, we're all here... Yes, even her." Ryan had a confused look on his face as he fell silent, the confusion turning into a smirk and giggle. "Aw, that's adorable, okay, see you in five, babe." He shoved his phone back in his pocket, all of us looking at him expectantly. "What?" He questioned.
"What's taking them so long?" Questioned Scott, glancing at Robin.
"Oh, it's just, you know, I guess someone's more nervous than Robin." She placed her hand over her heart.
"How could someone be more paranoid than I?" Robin teased, the others letting out laughs.
They didn't have to wait long before Cheyenne entered the bar, grinning like a child when she saw the short brunette. "Robin!" She cheered, running over and leaning across Scott to hug her.
"Christ, I can move!" Scott tried to get out but failed, giving up and staying where he was. Cheyenne let out a laugh before getting off of him and sliding in beside Ryan. Russ suddenly started going off on a story that they almost didn't notice the giant of a man standing at their table, Scott sending a small glare at the man.
Ryan glanced over and gave the man a huge smile. "Hey man! Glad you decided to come! Guys, this is Snake!" Robin looked over at him. He wore dark jeans that tucked into his combat boots and had on a dark green shirt, on top of that was a black trench coat. Strangely enough, he also wore a dark green bandana around his forehead. "Snake, that's Russ, Ziegs, Robin, and Sco-"
"We know each other." Scott snapped bitterly, still glaring at Snake. Robin cocked her head to the side slightly, what was up with Scott? She had never seen him like this before.
"Nice to see you too, Campbell." Robin almost felt her jaw drop open, how on earth could a voice get that deep?!
"Fuck off, tool."
"Hey, can we not fight? I have no idea what your guy's problem is but save it for another time and place." Russ interjected, Snake giving a small nod while Scott looked away. "Now, slide over so he can sit down."
Scott shook his head as he crossed his arms. "No fucking way he's sitting beside me." Robin let out a groan as she gave Scott a shove.
"Then get out and I'll sit in between you two, you big baby." Scott let out a scoff but slid out, letting Robin out before the three rearranged themselves. What could these two have possibly done to hate each other so much?
As the night progressed on, Robin and Snake were the only two who were sober. She glanced over at him and saw a bored look on his face. The last few hours Robin had come to the conclusion that this man had no emotions or knew how to laugh, so it surprised her to see him bored now.
"Hey, wanna head out to get some fresh air?" She asked, seemingly shaking him out of his thoughts.
"Sure." It frustrated her, always simple, one word sentences. Robin loved his voice and wanted to hear more of it! He slid out and she followed him, hoping the others could manage themselves for a few minutes.
When they got outside, Robin took a deep breath, glad that the smell of smoke and alcohol hadn't follow them. "I don't mean to pry, but why do you and Scott hate each other?" It slipped out before she could even try to rearrange the sentence. Robin looked over and saw Snake was looking down at his feet. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."
"No, it's understandable why you would ask. But for now I cannot give an answer." She nodded as she leaned against the wall of the building.
"I find it weird, they think a good time is getting drunk." Robin commented, hoping to spark up a conversation with him. Wait, why was she so eager to talk with him? Even all night she felt the need to talk to him and not Scott or the others.
"What do you consider a good time?" He asked, catching her off guard.
"Well, I don't know. Just, something fun, like going to the fair, or even just heading out of town for the night." Robin suddenly felt a pain in her chest, she missed being able to spontaneously do stuff, no worries of breaking a routine.
"Are you alright, Robin?" She glanced over and saw a look of concern in his greyish-blue eyes.
Robin nodded and gave a small smile. "Yeah, I just have this weird tick where I can't break my daily routine. Tonight's the first time in months I've broken it." Snake let out a small hum before leaning back on the wall beside her, leaving them in a comfortable silence.
"I have a dumb question." Robin asked, breaking the silence.
"Why do you wear a bandana?" She swore she saw the corners of his mouth move up in a small smile.
"I have no idea, I just feel safe with it on." She nodded before feeling the cold air of the night crawl up her back, shivering slightly. Without a word, he silently slipped off his coat and placed it over her shoulders.
"Hey, wait, now you'll get cold." Robin argued, trying to take the coat off.
"I'll be fine, you're the one in a short sleeved shirt." She looked over and saw the shirt he was wearing was long sleeved.
She blinked her brown eyes a few times before remembering how hot it was in the bar. "How have you not got overheated? I was ready to pull off my shirt, it was so hot in there!"
"Well, I thank you for not pulling off your shirt," he glanced at Robin before her face heated up, "but I'm used to it, I used to live in a really warm part of America." She just nodded as she look out at the street, she liked talking to him. A lot.

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