i. he loves her

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MARGOT WAS GETTING TIRED of sitting in the medical bay

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MARGOT WAS GETTING TIRED of sitting in the medical bay. She supposed that her bleeding eyes were a fit enough reason to be admitted to one, but she was just tired of it. Usually, she would be ecstatic at the idea of being allowed to do nothing but lie around, but not when she so desperately wanted to see her friends and make sure they were okay after the failed expedition. Obviously they're not okay, she thought to herself as she laid in the uncomfortable bed. Nobody would be after witnessing all that. Especially not Eren, who had the idea that the whole thing was his fault. Speaking of which, she hadn't seen him since returning to headquarters.

Rolling over in bed, Margot removed the cloth that was covering her eyes, cringing at the minimal amount of light in the room still hurting her eyes. According to the nurse, nothing was wrong with them. But she would need to rest them, considering how they were aching. How the fuck am I supposed to rest me eyes? Margot had wondered. But she didn't say it out loud.

A knock sounded at her door, and the girl pushed herself up into a seated position, trying not to put too much weight on her bandaged hand. The door swung open, and three people filed in, closing the door behind them. Commander Erwin, Hanji and Levi.

Margot felt her stomach drop, the sudden weight of her actions from the expedition finally hitting her. Commander Erwin and Captain Levi didn't know of her heritage or her abilities. She supposed they did now, as Levi had seen it with his own eyes and Hanji must have explained it to the both of them - but that's where the worry came in. Would they kick her out of the Scouts for holding the secret for so long? It had only been a month, but it was still withheld information about someone in their regiment. Forcefully pushing down her nerves, she awkwardly placed her hands in her lap, watching as they walked in.

   "Margot Boudreaux," Commander Erwin greeted. Glancing around the room, Margot took note of Levi standing against the wall with his arms folded and looking rather apathetic while Hanji seated themselves beside Erwin, giving her a reassuring grin. "This won't take too long."

Turning her gaze to the Commander, Margot managed a small smile as to not look awkward. She had never spoken to the man before. She liked his eyebrows, though.

   "I came here to speak of the power you acquired from your mother. Commander Hanji explained it to me beforehand. I would have rather spoken about this in a more formal setting but considering the fact that you're recovering, this will have to do," Erwin started. Margot glanced between the three of them, her hands fidgeting. "For now, we will keep this to ourselves. There is already distrust about Eren's ability and adding this will only make people question the Scouts more. However, it will most likely come out eventually. Inevitably."

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