| Chapter 23 ~ The ball and more |

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"Wow we all look amazing!" Lily said into the mirror.

Ginny grabbed the camera and took a picture of all three.

"So shall we head down?" Ginny said looking at the clock which said 7:53.

The girls walked downstairs trying not to be seen by any of the boys.

They got to the staircase where the boys where at the end. "You ready?" Hermione asked

"Yep" Lily said "Gin you first your the youngest."

"Fine" Ginny went ahead and walked down the stairs elegantly. The two could hear the boys gasp and Hermione and Ginny giggled.

"Mione your the oldest your next" Lily said gently pushing her to go.

Hermione walked past the corner and the boys gasped again.

Finally it was time for Lily to walk down the stairs. She finally plucked up the courage and revealed herself to everyone. For the final time the boys gasped a little more loudly this time.

"You look amazing" George said blushing

"Thanks" Lily said giggling and grabbed his hand.

"Miss Snape, Mr Potter get yourself and your dates ready for the first dance" McGonagall said walking over

"Erm what professor?" Harry asked tense

"The first dance Potter did i not tell you the champions have the first dance?"

"No you left out that piece of information professor." Lily answered.

"Well now you know get ready"

They lined up and everyone else entered the hall.

Hermione paired up with her date. Victor Krum.

"Mione Ron is going to kill you when he finds out about this" Harry snapped at her.

"Well Ronald does not get to choose who she take to the ball" Lily said to Harry

They waited for a minute until 8 and then walked in. Lily and George were at the back, Hermione and Krum were in-front and Harry in-front of them.

Claps erupted from the hall as they entered along with gasps as the girls and boys entered.

The champions walked to the floor and started dancing.

"Hmm you practiced" Lily smiled up at George.

"Couldn't let you down Petal" George winked at her.

They finished the dance and the band was announced, the weird sisters Lily's favourite band. George and Lily danced all night and were also joined a few times by Krum and Hermione.

George and Krum offered to go get some punch and left. Hermione and Lily walked over to the what seemed annoyed bored boys.

"Whats got your wand in a twist?" Lily asked walking over to them.

"Nothing" Ron said grumpily

"The boys have just gone to get some punch do you want to come dance after?" Hermione asked smiling

"Nope we are fine." Harry said a little cheerier.

"Ok" The girls walked off and waited for the boys to return back to dancing.

Finally midnight came and Harry and Ron had cheered up though Ron and Hermione had a little fight.

We were sent out little did the teachers know all of Gryffindor (and Lily) were having an after party in the common room.

Lily and George were dancing until 3:30 till Lily said she needed some air. They both snuck out into a dark small hallway.

"Where are we going Georgie?"

"Do you trust me?" He asked

"Nope not at all" Lily replied.

"Fair enough just be quiet or we will be caught."

The stopped in a little hole between two hallways. They both leaned against the wall smiling.

"Tonight was so fun i am glad i spent it with you" Lily said turning her head.

"Me two" George said locking eyes with Lily.

Even though it was dark George could still see Lily's bright green eyes twinkle in the moonlight. George didn't dare lean in he knew what happened last time and he wouldn't embarrass himself again.

Lily looked at George and leaned in. She placed her forehead on his and laughed. "Your beautiful" He said.

Lily lightly brushed her lips on his and George quickly sealed the gap.

The kiss was very passionate and Lily wrapped her arms round his neck placing her hands into his messy ginger hair.

George put his hands on Lily's waist and pulled her as close as possible.

After a bit they needed air so they broke the kiss.

George was grinning.

"My dad is going to kill you" Lily said smiling

"Well we better do something fun before i die"

Lily took George's hand and guided him to the seven floor "i know exactly what"

A door opened and a massive room appeared. The room was full of beautiful objects and in the middle was a big king size bed.

Lily raised her eyebrows and George.

"Really? After Draco are you ready" George asked concerned

"Aww your so cute of course just go slow." Lily said kissing George passionately again.

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