| Chapter 5 ~ Potions |

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Lily stepped into the room and looked around, it looked very dark and mysterious just like her father it wasn't a big surprise. She moves around and looked for an empty seat, Lily notices one next to a ginger Gryffindor girl.
She walks over to her and asks "Is this seat taken?"

"Hm sorry i didn't hear you" the girl answered.

"Oh is this seat taken" Lily said a little louder than last time

"Oh no feel free sit" the girl stuck out her hand. "I'm Ginny Weasley"

Lily took it and shook her hand "I am Lily Snape"

Ginny's face dropped "Wait are you Snape's daughter and Harry's sister"

Lily answered abruptly "Harry's half sister we share a mom thats it."

"Ok well-" Ginny got cut off by Snape dramatically entering the room "Open your books to homework that i set you last year everyone should have it except Miss Snape whose only joining us this year.

Everyone turned to Lily and a wave of embarrassment fell over her again. She looked up and awkwardly smiled.

"No need to look. Right lets go through the homework" Snape continued.

Lily zoomed out thinking about Draco and how much she finally realised she was into him. Lily had been in denial every time her father asks about her liking Draco. Lily and her dad were really close him doing as much as he could trying to fill in the mother and father figure.


A book slammed on Lily's table. She came back to reality and saw her dad standing at her table.
"Lily can you tell me what Amortentia is?" Snape asked Lily hoping to catch her of guard.
Lily looked at her dad annoyed.

"Yes sir i can Amortentia is a love potion that does not create actual love, but gives the drinker a powerful obsession with the giver of the potion. It gives off the smell of you most desired and loved things."

Snape looked a little shocked "Alright miss Snape please can you go up and tell us what you smell"
Lily stood up and confidently walked to the cauldron holding the potion. She took a big sniff and said "I smell chocolate, a new broom, honeycomb and fresh mint."
Lily knew why she smelt fresh mint and she thinks he felt the same way back.

"Very well Miss Snape that's all for today class dismissed" Snape said

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