| Chapter 19 ~ Dates |

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Weeks passed and Lily decided she needed to talk to her father. She apologised and now they were back to a happy father and daughter relationship. She couldn't stay away for long because he was, apart from Harry, her only family left.


It was Wednesday and everyone was studying in the great hall. Lily was sat by Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry opposite the twins.

The teachers were patrolling the tables making sure everyone wasn't talking and were actually studying

"This is mad. By this rate we will be the only ones without dates to the ball." Ron said looking around the hall.

Snape came up and shoved his head back to his work.

"Well us and Neville" Ron and Harry laughed

"It might interest you to know Neville already has someone to go with." Hermione said leaning to the a boys.

Lily looked at Ginny and she smiled.

"What now i am really depressed" Ron said banging his head on the table

George passed a note to Ron which said:

Get a move on or all the good ones will have gone

Ron passed the note back "who you going with then?"

George looked at Ron and threw a scrunched up paper ball at Lily.

It hit her head and she looked over annoyed.

"What!" She whispered

"You!" He said point to her "wanna go" then did some dancing moves "with me?"

Lily smiled. "The ball? Yeah sure" she finished her sentence a little to loud receiving a push from her head back to her work from her father.

George looked back at Harry and Ron and winked.

Ron rolled his eyes.

"Why Hermione. Your a girl." Ron said turning to Hermione.

"Well spotted" Hermione answered.

"You wanna go" Ron tried to imitate George's dance moves but got hit on the head by Snape and so did Harry.

"Come on its one thing for a bloke to show up alone. for a girl its just sad." Ron added

"I wont be going alone because believe it or not some has already asked me" she said annoyed getting up and giving Snape her book. "AND I SAID YES" storming out of the hall.

"Blimey" Ron said.

"You did earn it." Ginny said.

"Shut it Ginny who are you going with" Ron asked.

"Neville" Lily said, "so it seems I am going with Georgie, Fred is going with Angelina, Gin is going with Neville and Hermione is going with not telling you. Your the only losers that haven't got dates and we have a week left of school better hurry up." She and Ginny went and gave their work to Snape and left.

"Brilliant she is right" Harry said.

A few days passed and Lily, George,Hermione and Harry were in the common room chilling when Ron came in stunned.

"Its ok Ron just sit down." Ginny said guiding him to the seat.

"Omg what happened." Lily asked walking to Ron.

"He just asked Fleur Delacour to the ball." Ginny answered.

"What?" Hermione asked bobbing down next to Lily.

"What did she say?" Harry asked

"No of course" Hermione added

Ron shook his head.

Lily's face fell. "She said yes"

"No don't be silly. There she was walking by, you know how i like it when they walk. And it kind of slipped out." Ron said staring at the wall.

"Actually he sort of screamed at her it was a bit frightening." Ginny said looking at Ron.

"What did you do then?" George asked

"What else i ran for it. I am not cut out for this. I don't know what got into me."

Two twins walked past and said in unison "Hi Harry." It was Pavarti and Padma Patil. Lily despised them they were always trying to get her brothers attention.

Harry looked around and followed the girls.


It had finally reached the end of term and its was only a week until the ball. Not loads of people had stayed but the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione were the only Gryffindor's that stayed and Lily was the only Slytherin. There were a few other people but everyone wanted to go home before they returned for the ball and the rest of the holidays.

McGonagall had organised a trip for everyone to go down to Hogsmede to buy there outfits for the ball.

Lily wasn't completely excited but she was happy to spend time with her friends away from boys.

"I can't wait to pick a dress!" Ginny said to the two as they all walked down to village.

"What are you guys looking for?" Hermione asked.

"I have no clue." Ginny answered "what about you Lil?"

"Err i dunno either a short dress or a big ball gown." Lily said seeing Hogsmede coming into sight.

"Ooh a ball gown huh? You would look lovely in Lavender" Hermione said to Lily

They entered the village and went in the shop called Gladrags Wizardwear.

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