| Chapter 4 ~ Breakfast |

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Lily woke up it was her first day of school. She got out of bed and got into her uniform. She slipped her black robes on and her grey skirt. She went and did her teeth and brushed her hair when she heard a familiar voice.
"Ah so you already know your way around" It was Draco he was in his robes and Slytherin tie like everyone else.
"Hey Draco" Lily kept on thinking about Draco shirtless weirdly this had never happened before "Yeah well its not to complicated but Hogwarts that'll be hard but we do have a map"
"No need for that you have me" Draco said proudly as he reached over her for his toothbrush.

Lily smelt his cologne it smelt like fresh mint it wasn't to strong but not to less for her to forget about it. Draco reached back and the two locked eye contact. Draco chest was only millimetres away from Lily's and something lingered in the air.

"You're so beautiful Lil anyone every told you that" Draco said romantically putting a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Yeah my dad" Lily answered trying to sound funny but it only came back weird. Though Draco didn't care.
"DRACO" shouted a voice "Are you coming for breakfast or not"
It was Pansy she was with Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle they were already and had got all there bags with them,
"Er yeah" Draco said disconnecting eyes with Lily he held out his hand for her. As she took it she couldn't stop thinking of what just happened did they nearly kiss, does she like Draco, does he like her. All these thoughts we racing around in her brain she came to the conclusion.

She is falling for her best friend.

Lily had always thought Draco was handsome and she has liked him for years but never really thought about it in that way she finally realised she likes her best friend. Which is the worst thing in the entire world. What was she going to do obviously he doesn't like her back. Does he?

As they were walking to the great hall Pansy pulled Lily aside and said "Keep away from Draco he's mine"

"Define 'yours' because by the looks of things him and i were about to kiss earlier before you rudely interrupted" Lily answered with an attitude she had no clue came from.

"You can't roll in here acting like you own the place you and Draco just met."

"Hunny you don't know nothing i have known Draco since i was born so don't try and stop me because he isn't your man to control got me" Lily said entering the great hall where all the tables were almost full.

"Hey where were you" Draco asked.
"Pansy wanted to ask me a question" Lily said staring at her with a grin as she sat down opposite Draco.
Throughout all of breakfast Draco didn't stop staring at Lily but whenever she looked at him he looked away then back.

What was going on?

"Well I better head of to lessons not to bad i got my dads class first"

"I'll walk you there" Draco said standing up grabbing her and his bag.

"Thank you kind sir" Lily said as the started walking to the dungeons.

They got down to the classroom and Draco said "This is your destination kind miss" Bowing and giving her bag he stuck out his hand as if he wanted a tip.
"Thanks hun" Lily said grabbing her bag and noticing the hand, she looked at him gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran into the class.
Draco blushed he knew he was and tried to hide it though inside he was filled with warmth.

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