| Chapter 3 ~ The feast |

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As Draco and Lily got off the Hogwarts express they bumped into someone Lily was trying to avoid. The three they collided into were Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and the one and only Lily's half brother Harry Potter.
"Hey mind where your g-" Lily stopped talking she looked up and recognised him straight away. "Shit" Lily whispered.                                                                                                                                                    "Ah Potter look who we have here a little family reunion how sweet" Draco laughed                                                  "Lily right? S-Snape's daughter erm hi i didn't know you were erm coming that you were coming to Hogwarts this year" Harry laughed awkwardly                                                                                            "Ha yeah i finally convinced my dad anyway it was cool meeting you bye Harry come on Draco"

They turned around and Draco starts laughing. Lily elbows him in the stomach.
"Shut the fuck up dumb ass"

"What it was hilarious i have never seen Potter so quiet around anyone"
"Yeah well neither have I so don't get used to it. Come on make sure we don't have to share a carriage with them" Lily answered still feeling weird.

They got a carriage with Goyle, Blaise, Pansy and Crabbe. All of Draco's followers you could call them, their the main pure bloods in Hogwarts.

As Draco and Lily entered the massive gates of the school Lily's mouth dropped and her grin grew back. Still in awe they entered the great hall and Lily looked around catching the eye of her dad and she smiled at him and he smiled back happy she had convinced him for her to attend here.

The two sat down and Dumbledore made an announcement. An announcement that Lily was hoping would not occur.

"Welcome back and welcome to our new first year students. Apart from them though, I would like to announce a new student joining us this year. Lily Snape she is in Slytherin house, Lily please stand up" Dumbledore went on.
Lily's face went red when everyone started staring at her. "Errr oh god"
"Stand up red head" Draco said amused at the embarrassment Lily was absorbing.
Draco pushed Lily's legs up and the entire hall looked at her.

Some recognised her immediately knowing of Harry's mother her being the spitting image and the rumours of him having a sister. Some were trying to figure out who she looks like. A lot were whispering about Snape having a daughter.

Lily got out of Draco's grip and sat down digging her face into her arms.
"Dick" Lily said stamping on Draco's foot under the table.

Once the first years had been sorted, the feast began, Draco and Lily were in a deep discussion people still staring and pointing trying to act secretive but Lily could feel the stares and was getting really self conscious. Dumbledore then stood up again and announced that this year Hogwarts were holding the triwizard tournament- and that two other schools were going to be staying this year. First up were Beauxbatons a French all girls school. They all ran in all blue uniforms quite disgusting actually with horrible hats and all the boys seemed to be taken away even Draco it was that sad for him. Second up were Durmstang a Russian all boys school all the boys were so handsome they look so powerful. Once both schools made their entrance they finished the dinner and made their way back to the dorms ready for the first day of school tomorrow.

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