| Chapter 17 ~ task 1 |

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Lily hardly slept she was so worried for her brother the next day. After what felt like hours she finally feel asleep and woke up to Ginny shaking her awake.

"Lily!!" Wake up your going to be late.
"Come on" Ginny said grabbing Lily's clothes.

They both got ready and ran downstairs.

They got to the hall and saw the others there eating breakfast.

Harry and Lily made eye contact and she ran up and hugged him.

"I hate whoever put our names in the fire i don't want you to do this what if you get hurt i cant loose you" Lily said into Harry's chest.

"I know Lil listen nothing will happen to me its easy all i have to do is fight a dragon easy as treacle tart" Harry said trying to cheer up his sister.
Lily laughed.
"Come on eat your breakfast then we can make our way to the arena." Harry said as they both sat down.

They all finished their food and headed to where the first task was being held.

Harry and Lily were walking hand in hand Lily with a tense look on her face.

"Hey listen i will be fine ok?" Harry said trying to cheer up his sister.

"Well seeming as your well underaged wizard trying to fend of a dragon to claim an egg i am a little scared" Lily said her expression deepening.

"I learnt all the spells and i can use my broom you know how quick i am on that give you a little preview before Gryffindor whips your ass at Quidditch" Harry said changing the subject.

"Ha you wish" Lily said a small smile forming on her face.

They all got to the arena and Ginny went to go find the twins in the stands.

Lily and Harry went into the tent and said their last goodbyes before the task. She hugged Harry and reminded him on what to do, she saw Cedric wished him luck hugged him and found the others in the stands.

First up was Cedric. I looked at him and he saw me in the audience i winked at him and he smiled. Everyone started chanting Diggory. Cedric shot a spell at the rock transfiguring it into a dog to distract the beast. It worked for a while Cedric made his way across the rocks but halfway threw the dragon gave up and headed for him and he got hit deducting points.

Second was Victor Krum he shot a spell into the dragons eyes temporarily blinding it giving him time to collect the egg. He lost points because the dragon started started moving in pain squashing the real eggs which was a penalty.

Third up was Fleur Delacour. She ran behind a rock and shot a spell at the dragon instantly it fell to the ground falling asleep. She was running across to the egg when suddenly fire started flying towards her. The dragon was still fast asleep but it was snoring fire and she got burnt yet again deducting points.

Finally it was the moment i was dreading Harry's turn. He stepped out of the waiting part the arena fell silent for a few seconds. I made eye contact with Harry and i screamed "WOAHHHHH GO HARRYYYYY" suddenly everyone starting screaming Harry on louder than any other competitor.

Harry tried to start walking to the egg when he was knocked to the ground. A foot crashing the rocks next to him. It was the Hungarian Horntail the dragon Harry was assigned the worst of the lot. He jumped behind a rock blocking the fire that was suddenly aimed at him.

"YOUR WAND HARRY USE YOUR WAND" Hermione shouted at Harry.

"Accio Firebolt" Harry shouted pointing his wand up in the air.

Harry moved to another rock slightly closer to the egg. Another blast of fire came heating the rock. Harry turned a little seeing the broomstick fly towards him. He turned quickly and jumped onto the broom and started flying around dodging the fire.

The arena erupted in cheers when Harry started flying around. The dragon started getting pissed not being able to reach Harry with its chain. It pulled with all of its might and the chains broke off allowing the dragon to go wherever it wished.

Lily screamed hugging George digging her face into his chest petrified of what was going to happen to Harry.

Harry started flying out of the arena and the dragon followed ruining the cover from the teachers and adults stand.

George was still clinging onto Lily "Petal its fine Harry isn't in sight"

"Thats the problem Georgie he's gonna get hurt and die and i loose another family member." Lily said now crying.

"Aww petal he will be fine he's your brother remember plus he has managed six years of you know who and his followers trying to kill him i think he can manage a dragon." George said cheering up Lily a bit lifting her chin and spinning her around still holder her waist close to him.

Harry wasn't in sight for the next ten minutes until he came back with no dragon following and he collected the egg. An eruption of cheers came when he collected the egg and he was given a eight, nine, ten and four. His deduction were for disappearing for a bit but creative way of the the broomstick gaining points.

In the end Krum and Harry were tied first place Cedric second and Fleur last.

Harry returned to the tent and was rushed straight to the hospital wing with a broken arm.

The others knew this so they didn't rush to meet Harry because he needed rest. George rapped his arm around Lily's shoulder and Ginny and Fred walked on the sides.

"Your next Petal ready?" George asked squeezing her shoulder.

"Yeah i guess so" Lily replied

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