| Chapter 21 ~ Getting ready |

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Days past and it was the day of the ball. All the girls had been practicing dancing (accept Lily she was already good at). Lily had made George practice she said she wouldn't be dancing with someone who steps on her feet.

The day had finally came. Christmas eve. The day of the yule ball.

Lily got out of bed. She had, had a good night sleep. I mean good she slept in until 11:50 and so did the others. With magic it doesn't take as long to get ready one of the perks.

They all got up and headed downstairs for lunch. They walked in and saw the others at the Gryffindor table. The three walked towards them.

"Hey George how did you sleep?" Lily asked seating down and getting some cereal.

"Good thank you i bet you slept well its bloody lunch and you just got up." George said eating his usual breakfast. Toast.

"Yeah well we overslept so we can party all night tonight." Ginny said excited.

"Yes the afterparty is going to be amazing" George said nudging Lily.

They all finished breakfast. The boys stayed behind and the girls rushed of to get ready.

"Its just past 1 the ball doesn't start till 8" Ron said confused.

"Yes but brother in the world of girls a day wouldn't be enough for preparing." Fred said smirking

The girls rushed back into the common room.

"Ok you get the dresses i will get makeup and Mione you get the spell book for nails." Lily said ordering the girls there jobs.

The three had, had to hide their dresses because the boys kept on trying to find out what they were wearing.

Lily got the dresses and hung them up against each girls bed.

"Got the makeup" Ginny said carrying a big bag they had got in Hogsmede

"Got my spell book" Hermione added.

"Ok lets get ready girlies." Lily said placing everything perfectly.

I know this is a short chapter but the next parts will be there dresses and hair and makeup.

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