| Chapter 13 ~ Hospital Wing |

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10 minutes later Hermione ran back in with Madam Pomfrey and Mcgonagall behind her.

"Oh goodness what happened?" Mcgonagall asked pacing over to Lily.
"We dont know Professor she walked in and collapsed," Ginny said looking worried.
Madam Pomfrey walked over and took a look at Lily "she needs to be taken to the hospital wing."
"Yes err Potter can you carry your sister" Mcgonagall asked.
"Yes professor" Harry lifted up Lily but she was much lighter than expected and he carried her to the hospital wing.
"Someone go get Professor Snape" Mcgonagall says too Hermione.
"Yes Miss" Hermione runs off.

It was just after dinner and everyone had returned to the common rooms to finish homework and hang out before bed.

They reached the hospital wing and they laid Lily down in the bed. Not long after, Hermione returned with Snape who had a concerned look on his face. He ran up to Lily and with tears slowly falling down his face.
"I am so sorry" he mumbled so no once could hear it.
Mcgonagall had gone and got Dumbledore and when he arrived he asked Snape what happened.

"I don't know the entire story but i went into a corridor after hearing screams and i saw Draco and Lily. He was pinning her to a wall so hard she was crying. I heard her shouting get off so i walked over and he realised what i was doing so he threw her to the ground and punched her in the eye and cheek. I picked him up deducted 100 points of Slytherin, detentions for the rest of the year and a meeting with you Albus tomorrow." Snape finished.
"Right okay so this is Mr Malfoy's fault" Mcgonagall said to Snape.
"Son of a bitch" Harry tried to run off but the twins grabbed him in time.
"Now Now Potter Malfoy will be handled right now we need to wait for miss Snape to wake up."Mcgonagall said                                                                                                                                                              "I agree as much as I want to kill that ferret boy our main priority right now is Lily" Snape said

Twenty minutes pass and Lily woke up. She opened her eyes and saw everyone surrounded her.
"Lil" Ginny said taking her  "Do you remember what happened?"

"Wha- oh err I was walking back from my dads room and i walked into the err Slytherin common room and saw Malfoy erm kissing Pansy and, she was straddled around him and I stood there in shock and I started crying and ran out." Lily said now starting to cry, "He followed trying to say err it happened quickly then I shouted and ran and he followed me and he smashed me against a wall and i banged my head then he started to- he started hurting me. Then my dad came and Malfoy pushed me to the ground i hit my head again then he punched me twice and i ran away to the Gryffindor common room and its all to foggy from there."

Everyone stood slightly shocked.

"Okay miss Snape you have broken a bone in your left rib. You damaged your head at the back but thats the worse damage and you have a few bruises." Madam Pomfrey said looking at Lily.

"How long will it take to heal?" Harry asked.

"Well at the least 3 weeks" madam Pomfrey answered.

"But the first task is in two" Lily said to Harry.

"Don't worry i will do the first one and you can do the second okay." Harry says squeezing Lily's hand.

Lily smiled.

"Right we better leave Miss Snape to rest." Dumbledore said to everyone.

Everyone said goodbye and left except Lily's father.

"Why didn't tell them about what i did?" Snape asked.

"I didn't want you getting into trouble." Lily said looking away from her dad "but you still hit me that doesn't change anything now please go i am tired"

Snape turned around and left the room. Lily turned her head and a tear fell down her face before she fell asleep.

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