Chapter 11: Dive-Bomb

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Nevada is wearing a metal suit that looks like Iron Man's suit but it's green and gold instead of red and gold. He flies using suit jets, he stops in front of California but doesn't land he just hovers there, as if he's waiting for something.

California engulfs his whole body in flames and flies up, he stops right in front of Nevada.

Nevada's helmet comes off of him and goes into his suit. He smirks at California. "Hey, Cali."

"Shut up." California growls.

California glances up to see a black streak in the sky that is getting closer. He can't tell what it is until looking closer, it's a dark figure with black devilish wings. He thinks about what Utah had said about New Jersey's dark armor.

That 'black streak' is New Jersey.

Utah drops to the ground and folds him wings into his armor as he braces for the impact.

New Jersey dive-bombs Utah. He's holding Utah by his shoulders and rams him into the ground, sliding him across the pavement.

Utah regains his focus and kicks New Jersey with both feet, sending him flying upward. He stands up and unfolds his wings and flies toward Jersey. Utah grabs both of New Jersey's wrists then puts both feet on his stomach and flips backward in midair. When Jersey's back is facing the ground Utah straightens his legs and let's go of New Jersey, basically kicking him to the ground. A huge piece of pavement flies at Utah. Utah folds his wings and tucks his legs up. The pavement flies over his head. As soon as Utah almost hits the ground he unfolds his wings and untucks himself. As he flies up he grabs New Jersey off the ground and throws him in the air.

New Jersey spreads his wings and unsheathes his sword, Utah does the same. Jersey's sword looks as if it's absorbing all the light around it while Utah's is so bright it's almost blinding.


Texas jumps off of Louisiana's shoulder and grows as big as a small skyscraper. No one even noticed Rhode Island, until he jumped off a building and grew as big as Texas.

"You guys can't make fun of my height anymore." Rhode Island says with a smirk.

"Did you hear? Cheating on the test won't get you anywhere." Texas says, he throws a punch at Rhode.

Rhode Island catches Texas' fist. "Unless I turn it in before the person I copied off of." Rhode Island punches Texas in the face.

Texas stumbles backwards, he regains his balance before also stepping on Louie.

"Please don't step on me." Louie yells and uses a few spell disks as stairs and runs up them. He steps off on the building that New York is on.

New York is fighting Massachusetts. Louie holds him hand out, red bands come out of his palm and wrap around Mass. Louie puts his fingers together, clamping the bands.

"Louie, can you distract him for like ten minutes? I gotta get something that could potentially slightly help us." New York asks.

"Yeah, sure." Louie responds he looks over at Massachusetts who is about to explode everything around him. Louie let's go of the bands and as soon as Mass causes an explosion Louisiana puts his hand out and makes a shield with the other. The explosion shakes that ground but no damage is caused.

"How-what happened?" Massachusetts says, looking around confused.

"We're in the mirror dimension, coullion." Louie responds. "It's just me and you, I'm the one only thing here you can hurt. But I have control here, so good luck."


New York jumps onto Texas' shoulder. Texas looks over at him. "Can you get me over there?" New York asks and points to the MetLife Building. Texas holds his hand out by his shoulder. New York jumps onto his hand, Texas moves his hand towards the building. New York jumps off of his hand, beside Maryland. "Mary, I have ear pieces that I made in my penthouse. I'm going to go get them so we don't have to yell to each other."

"Why do you have them? I thought you worked along?" Maryland asks.

"In case something like this happened."

"I guess it's good to be prepared."

"I'll be back in a few." New York says then disappears.

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