195 14 8

Song Recommended- Like I'm gonna lose you by Meghan Trainor and John Legend

Book Recommended - 20 wishes for Maple Woods by Book_rapper

I started hard at the table, a frown etching onto my face.
'Here's your tea, sweetie.' I frowned further. Ken loved the endearments for the soul reason of getting on my nerves. He's always loved to get under my skin and I secretly loved it because he treated me like a little sister. 'Looks like you've gotten a secret admirer eh?' He smirked and winked before rushing off to greet the next customer.

I picked up my cup of tea and involuntarily my eyes fell upon the table again.
'Aw don't ignore me:( I'm not a stalker or creep I swear! I just thought I'd strike up a conversation cuz you seem cool :D', it read right under the previously ignored message.

Who was this person?

I slowly raised my head and let my eyes wander, stare and pick out people I thought could have written the message. But no. No one stuck out.

I took a sip of my tea and picked up a sharpie from my bag. And taking a deep breath, I wrote,
'Who are you?'

Hey! Sorry for the delay!
I love Meghan Trainor's new album. It's amazing! Check it out!
And 20 wishes is a beautiful book on Wattpad that I absolutely adore!

So share, Vote and comment:)


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