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Song recommendation - World of our own (Westlife)
Book recommendation- Everyday by David Levithan. This book was amazing! I loved it so much! A must read!:)


The same seat with the same dent in the cushion.

The same table with its white surface
that looked more of an ivory color.

The same barista making my drink.

Every week a different drink.

Every week a different book.

I rest my head on the wall behind me and my legs on the long cushion were pulled up close to my chest but leaving enough space to not feel so uncomfortable.
I shuffle around my backpack and pull out my iPod and blast Westlife as I pick my book up and flip to page 67- to a world of my own. My hazelnut macchiato waited for me patiently.
No one interrupted me when I read.
Reading was my escape. And right now I escaped to a world of David Levithan.

Hey everyone :)
This is going to be a pretty lovey dovey story.
I will be recommending a book on each chapter, be it on Wattpad or Published. And I'd love if you guys could give me your recommendations as well.
And my weekly song obsession. Sometimes may suit the chapter, sometimes may not:P

Tell me how your liking it:)


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