Chapter Twenty-One

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Gibbs was still sitting by the bedside hours later when a doctor came into examine his patient, so he quietly made his way out into the hall and pulled out his phone to make a call.

Commander Southerland

"Commander, it's Special Agent Gibbs. What did you find out for me?"

The long hiss of air told him he would not like it.

Robert Wilson will lose two ranks and receive a formal reprimand up that will go in his record.

Gibbs was speechless, but only for a moment.

"That's it? For standing back and watching a kid get beat up. Are you serious? Marines have been dishonorably discharged for less."

Gunny I'm sorry, it happened so long ago and there really isn't a specific charge we can use. It wasn't assault, it wasn't like he allowed adult to do it. He permitted a boy to be bullied by his peers. The best we can do is conduct unbecoming of a Marine.

"Conduct unbe- Ya think?" Gibbs said sarcastically then continued. "I don't think that's it, I think you can do more. What you mean is that's all you want to do."

Don't do this. It was a long time ago and yes my sympathy goes out to the young man, but any statute of limitations has passed on any type of charge we could have come up with.

There was a long pause

I'm sorry, that's the best I could do.

Gibbs' only answer was to shut the phone. He rubbed his head. He knew he couldn't erase what happened so many years ago but he had hoped to get some justice, however long overdue for his young agent. Too tired to even decide if he wanted to fight this he went back into the hospital room.

Sean and Olivia soon returned looking more rested and insisted Gibbs go and do the same. It was late in the day and despite countless cups of coffee he was feeling the effect of days without sleep and the stress of having an agent missing. He began to leave just as his team once again started to appear.

They rest of Wednesday evening and Thursday morning was spent in a vigil over their injured friend, offering words of comfort and touches to reassure they were there. The hospital rule was only two visitors at a time, but each nurse that entered the room consistently found it exceeding its quota.

More than once Abby, Tony, Ziva, and Jimmy found themselves back in the lobby planning to find yet another way of sneaking back in when the nurses weren't looking. It was a little easier for Ducky to gain access to the room and he was a frequent visitor as well. Gibbs didn't even waste time trying to sneak past nurses; they had found quickly it was better if they did not try to keep him away.

Thursday afternoon the team had all assembled in Tim's room. After various attempt to enforce the two visitors limit the team finally worn down the whole floor and both shifts of nurses much to the amusement and relief of Sean and Olivia. Tim seemed to be responding to the attention. No one could quite put their finger on it but he did look a little better and there was a little more color to his cheeks.

Nearing evening Tim's doctor entered the very full room and stopped short in surprise.

"Well I see we have quite an audience. Is everyone going to hear the report?"

"Yes" Olivia said softly.

Abby had long since decided Olivia was quiet by nature and not because of the worry. She smiled when she thought about how her sometimes brash behavior had shocked Tim and now she could see why. He probably wasn't use to women who were forceful and strong willed as she was.

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