Million Dollar Man (2p France)

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Million Dollar Man - Lana Del Rey

You said I was the most exotic flower
Holding me tight in our final hour

He held me in his strong arms as we laid in bed together. By morning, I knew he would be gone. He always leaves before I wake in the morning. Our relationship was interesting. At night he would hold me tightly, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

I don't know how you convince them and get them, but
I don't know what you do, it's unbelievable
And I don't know how you get over, get over
Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you

During the daytime, we would never meet. We lived separate lives; him being a French mafia boss, while I, a lowly stripper. I didn't want this life, it just came at me, but while I'm with him, all those negative thoughts go away. He may smell of smoke an alcohol, but it's a comforting scent to my nose. He may look tired and grumpy, but to me he's the most handsome man I've ever seen.

One for the money, and two for the show
I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go
How did you get that way? I don't know
You're screwed up and brilliant,
Look like a million dollar man,
So why is my heart broke?

I remember when we first met. I was doing a solo performance, mentally disgusted at all the gawking eyes of the perverted audience. I had only recently started, thinking of the money then common sense. If only I had listen to my family and friends, maybe I would of never of been taken into this dark world, but then again, I would of never of met him; Francois Bonnefoy. He was in the audience that night, but he was somehow different than the rest. He had asked me to "join him," and of course, I answered yes, thinking only of the large sum of money, and he was really good looking. For some reason, the night I had spent with him was different than any time with another. It was more passionate. But once I woke in the morning, he was gone. I was so glad that he continued to visit me. Even though I hated my job, he was an exception.

You got the world but baby at what price?
Something so strange, hard to define

It isn't that hard boy to like you or love you
I'd follow you down down down,
You're unbelievable
If you're going crazy just grab me and take me
I'd follow you down down down, anywhere anywhere

It wasn't hard for me to realize I had grown emotions for the Frenchman, but at the same time it was painful. I wanted to escape this awful world, being with him would only drag me deeper into the darkness. Francois wasn't a man to "date" someone, he was someone who would take someone, and leave them heartbroken. I should of known better than to get involved with him! But I can't leave him and his comforting touch. I dare say, I believe that I'm in love with him. But of course, he will never feel the same. I'm only a toy in his collection that he can easily throw away.

One for the money, two for the show
I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go
How did you get that way? I don't know
You're screwed up and brilliant,
Look like a million dollar man,
So why is my heart broke?

One for the money, two for the show
I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go
How did you get that way? I don't know
You're screwed up and brilliant,
Look like a million dollar man,
So why is my heart broke?

I don't know,
You're screwed up and brilliant,
Look like a million dollar man,
So why is my heart broke?

I slowly moved my hand up to my face to feel tears streaming down my face. I quickly wiped them away, careful not to wake Francois. I released a sigh and once again got comfortable in his warm arms. I felt Francois move and release me from his grasp. He must be leaving. I continued to act as if I was asleep while the love of my life left me, once again. I listened to him move around the room, then stop close to the bed. That's when I felt it. Chapped but warm lips encountered my lips, but as quick as it came, it left mine. He kissed me! He never does that! Not once since we have met each other, that I know of. I then heard a rough voice say "Je t'aime, (Y/N)." I heard him leave me right after that. I straightened in the bed to look at the ceiling. He loves me? And just then, I felt my heart start to fix itself. A smile graced my face as I reached for my lips. "I love you, too, Francois Bonnefoy."

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