23~It Wasn't Your Fault

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TW: Angsty? Is that a tw? Idk but it's sad and morbed so, be warned

"Momma, it's been almost a week and none of them are back yet. The party is literally later today and not one of them is back!" Y/N stressed as she walked into the kitchen, where her mother was sorting out food and drinks for the new years party. The house had been quiet and empty for a while now. The two women hadn't heard anything from anyone about if they were okay, what they're doing, if they'll be back before the party, or even when they'll be back.
"don't worry sweetie, they're fine, they'll be back soon" Dana said to reassure her worried daughter but in all honesty, she had no idea when they'll be back of if they're okay for that matter. But she knew she had to stay strong for her daughters sake, to make sure at least one of them won't go completely insane.
"do you need help with anything?" Y/N asked
"uhh, yeh, if you go into there, there's a box of things like confetti cannons and things, can you go put them around in random places" Dana said as she pointed into the dining room. Y/N just nodded and did as she was told.

She was in the bar area, kneeling on the bar, as she was stretching up to stick up a banner until she heard the front door open and she heard a large group of men stumbling in.
"We're home!" one of the men shouted with an exhausted and worried voice. Y/N recognised this voice to be her fathers which caused her to instantly drop everything in her hands and she jumped off of the bar. She ran out of the room to see her mother already over where the men were, hugging Robert.
"Dad!" Y/N joyfully shouted as she ran into his now open arms. Dana was also going round, hugging everyone, making sure they're all okay and offered them a warm drink or some food.
"I'm so happy you're safe... Why was you gone so long?!" she shouted as she pulled away
"I know I'm sorry, but I'm back now, I'm okay" Robert said to her. There wasn't much else he could say to her really. She just pulled him into a hug again, this time tighter. When they did eventually pull away from the hug again, Y/N started to look around and saw all of the boys there.

Almost all.

All but one.

Her heart rate started to increase rapidly.

Her breathing started to become heavy.

Her heart started to feel 100 stone.

Her eyes started to water.

"Y/N... " a familiar voice softly spoke from her right side. But not the voice she wanted. She looked at the man next to her with teary eyes. He shook his head with sorrowful eyes to answer the unspoken question. That simple gesture gave her every answer she needed to know. Every answer she didn't want. Every answer that made the tears fall, the hands shake and the legs collapse underneath her. Every answer that told her that he wasn't coming back to her.

She felt the cold tiled floor against the palms of her hands. The splatters of her tears hitting the floor and splashing onto her hands. She felt someone's arms wrap around her, she looked to her left to see her father hugging her to comfort her and then the man to her right kneeled down to join in the hug and eventually, everyone else had joined in. He was apart of the family. He was apart of everyone's hearts. But now, he was gone. Forever.

Later that evening

Y/N was just laying on top of her bed with her leg hanging off one side of it. She was all dressed up, ready for the party but she didn't feel like going downstairs to the party, she didn't feel like having fun. She felt... Numb. She was just staring up at the ceiling with silent tears rolling down the sides of her face. She wasn't making any noise, just the house of her breathing and distant music and talking from the party downstairs. There was a light knock at the door and then a slight creek to signal that it had been opened.
"you're missing the party" her mother's voice softly spoke, almost echoing through the room. Y/N didn't move. She didn't speak. She didn't look at her mother. She just stared at the ceiling. Dana went over and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her broken daughter. She hated seeing her like this and she hated knowing there was nothing she could do to help her. Y/N just sighed and eventually sat up and stared in front of her for a few moments. She turned her head towards her mother and looked into her eyes and Dana's heart broke into a million pieces.
"You don't have to come to the party if you don't want to" she told her daughter softly.
"you can just put on some comfy pajamas and stay in bed" Dana said
"no, it's fine...everyone is already downstairs, I don't want to be a party pooper" Y/N said with a hoarse voice as she wiped away the mascara filled tears and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, next to her mother. She put her head on her shoulder and Dana put her arm around Y/N's shoulders and rested her cheek on top of her head. They both just sat their in silence for a few minutes before Dana spoke.
"come on, let's sort out your hair and makeup" Dana said as she lifted her cheek off of her daughters head and looked down at her. Y/N listed her head of her mother's shoulder and looked up at her and pulled a weak smile.

When they left her room, everyone looked up to see the two women standing there and they all cheered when they saw Y/N.
"We're all here for you, see" Dana said as Y/N was stood, looking down at everyone with a weak smile. But no matter how many people were there, all she saw was his absence.

The whole night just consisted of fake smiles and staring of into the distance. She kept looking over to the door, hoping and praying that he'd walk through them and say it was all a joke. But he never did. And even though Y/N knew that, it didn't stop her from looking over every 5 minutes.
"5!" She shot her head up at the large clock that everyone else was looking at

"4!" they all shouted.

"3!" she felt tiny, unseen.

"2!" she'd lost herself

"1!" 'here we go' she thought to herself

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The word stuck out to her like a sore thumb as everyone cheered. Confetti was raining down from all directions. Champagne corks were being shot up from multiple places in the room.
Y/N looked around to see people kissing. Being happy. She felt like she had her heart in her throat and her breathing became heavy. She tried swallowing but it didn't help. Nothing would help. Except for him, but, obviously, he wasn't there to help. To her left, she saw her father looking at her with sorrowful eyes and guilt in his heart. He felt as though it was his fault. He didn't protect one of the most important people in his daughters heart. Y/N's eyes filled with tear while a tear rolled down her fathers cheek. She'd never really seen him cry, he always had to hold it together so he didn't seem weak to anyone. She broke eye contact with him and ran upstairs. He shortly followed after her and before she could disappear into her room, he spoke up, over the music, just loud enough for her to hear. Just one word. Her name.
She spun around and looked into her father's eyes with her red eyes. She just ran over to him and hugged him tighter than she'd hugged anyone in her life. She could lose him next and that thought terrified her. Her silent tear had turned into full on sobbing into her fathers chest. A few stray tears fell from his face onto her shoulder.
"it wasn't your fault" she told him. He kissed the top of her head and they just stood like that for what felt like forever.

I never actually said who died BTW, you can read back through it and check but I made sure to now say who died. Y'all should guess in the comments, you can see who's right in the next chapter! Ik it's not new years yet but I'm really excited for this book now that I know where it going! I hope you're all enjoying it too! Also, I'm going through a bit of a rough time rn, with heart break and all, so I really put a lot of feelings into this chapter if you couldn't tell. Anyways, thanks for reading! Love y'all, thanks for sticking by me 💕

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