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DeNiro household~Dining Room

Y/N pulled out her gun, spun around and held it up to the man a few feet in front of her. They were rotating around the elongated table with their guns pointed at each other. Y/N jumped up and rolled across the short width of the table and was now right in front of the tall man. Guns still pointed at each other. Intense stares were passed between the two.

The two were interrupted by Robert and Dana walking past the large door way, talking about Y/N's role in the business.
"What are you two doing?" Dana asked them. Y/N and Swagger put down their guns and Swagger swung his arm over her shoulder.
"I was helping her incase she got attacked or something." he said to Dana. She nodded and carried on walking with Robert.
"All in all, you did good, I'd say 8 out of 10." Swagger said
"ugh, what did I do wrong this time?" Y/N asked
"first of all, at the start, you drawed the gun too slow-"
"but I pulled it out like a second after you said draw!"
"and a second too late, you could have been shot in that second"
Y/N rolled her eyes at the statement
"second of all, as cool as your little roll across the table looked, never lay down or get on the floor, it gives the enemy time to do something to you."
"that...actually makes a lot of sense" Y/N said.
"Of course it does, I'm a genius"
"shut up"

Y/N and Swagger decided to follow Robert and Dana and ended up in Roberts office.

"All I'm saying is, she's 20 years old now, she needs a role." Dana said as she sat down in front of Robert who made himself comfortable behind his desk. Swagger jumped onto the other seat before Y/N could, meaning she had to sit on her fathers desk.
"I know she does, we all know she deserves a role, I just don't want her getting hurt, she's my baby girl" he says as he rubs her back in a loving way.
"okay, that's cute or whatever dad, but, why are you talking about me like I'm not here?" she asked
"I don't know, does it matter?" her father asked her, she shrugged in a 'I don't really care' manner.
"how about, I take Y/N and teach her how to hold and reload a gun, whilst you two figure this out" Swagger suggests to Robert and Dana
"but I already kno-" Y/N got interrupted by Swagger pulling her out of he father's office.

Swagger brought Y/N to the games room.
"Swagger, you don't need to lead me places, I know my way around my own house. It's not like I live in a mansion." she rolled her eyes
"you do live in a mansion Y/N"
"It's not a mansion because I don't get lost" she said with a smug smile as she sat down in the seat for the racing game. She waited for a second and then looked up at the man beside her.
"Well are you playing?" she asked him. He jumped into the other seat or the car game.

The thing about Y/N, she can be a little bit bratty, but, that's only when Aunt Flow shows up. If you know, you know. The other 3 weeks of the month, she is one of the sweetest people you could meet. When Aunt Flow shows up, she acts exactly how you would expect a beautiful, rich girl to act.

Depp Household~Johnny's Office

"Dad, all I'm saying is, I don't trust Fat Sam." Gaege explained as he was sprawled out across the sofa in his father's office, on the other side of the room from where his father was sitting, listening to his son.
"He's been out to get me since you made me Underboss and I'm pretty sure, he hasn't been giving you all his earnings" He continued as he sat up to look at his father.
"Leave it with me, OK. I'll look into it. Now go see if your mother needs help with something, I've got some stuff to do" Johnny explained as he shoo'd his son out of his office.

"Mom?" Gaege asked as he walked into the lounge to see his mother painting her nails.
"Yeh hun?" she replied, invested it making sure every part of every nail was painted to perfection.
"Do you know where Narrator is?" he asked, clearly seeing his mother didn't need help with anything.
"uhhh, I think he's gone to deal with Jake" she stated, still invested in the nail polish.
"Jake the Jew or Lady Fingers Jake?" Gaege asked.
(It wasn't supposed to be offencive by saying Jake the Jew, it was a Brooklyn Nine-Nine reference when Jake goes undercover. Also, I know that the Mafia sometimes uses offencive names to differentiate peeps with the same name)
"Lady Fingers Jake"
"why, what did he do?" Gaege asked as he plopped himself on the other sofa
"remember the thing with the scissors?" she questioned as she finally averted her eyes up to look at her son and then straight back down as he replied
"oh yeh, mad guy" he stopped for a minute but then spoke again
"I'm hungry, so we have any snacks?"
"Gaege, you've just eaten" the woman spoke as she screwed the cap of the nail polish back on due to her finishing painting her nails.
"Yeh well, I'm hungry again." he spoke up again
"You're not hungry Gaege, you're bored."
Gaege huffed, knowing that she was right. He slumbed down onto the sofa, not knowing what else to do.

The thing about Gaege, he takes a lot of things for granted, but, he is extremely lovable. He can ramble on about the most random things and, sometimes, it annoys the people around him. He uses it to his advantage though. In interrogations, he can get people to confess to things out of pure annoyance.

A Glass Of Wine (JuicyFruitSnacks Fanfic)  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon