7~Why Me?

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DeNiro Household~Y/N's Bedroom

This isn't a Disney movie, okay, so when I tell you Y/N sleeps like a normal human being, she does. In a weird position, her hair all over the place, a light snore coming from her slightly ajar lips.
"Y/N" the woman spoke again in a more sing-song voice
"Y/N!" she shouted, causing the half asleep girl to shoot up.
"hmm?" Y/N hummed in an annoyed tone, rubbing her eyes that were barely open with the palm of her hands
"come down stairs, I've made breakfast" Dana said to her daughter just before she left her room to go back down stairs. Y/N huffed in annoyance but she knew she couldn't resist food. She rolled to the edge of her bed and threw her feet onto the floor. She stood up with a wobble and trudged downstairs.

When she got to the kitchen, she took her cereal and a glass of orange juice and joined her parents in the dining room. Dana was sat at the end of the table, Y/N and Robert sat either side of her, facing each other.
"Wow, you actually got her to wake up!" Robert said to Dana as the both laughed, Y/N just rolled her eyes.
"you look..." Robert started, trying to think of something to say
"like you've just woken up" he chuckled at his own joke. Y/N put her middle finger up at him and told him
"Don't be a smartass, dad"
"Wow! We're cursing at the table now?" Dana said as she placed down her cup of coffee.
"momma, I'm 20 years old now, not 12" Y/N said to her mother before she took a sip of her orange juice.
"Yeh I know but, its just...etiquette" Dana said after a second of thinking.
"and since when have you cared about etiquette?" Y/N asked her mother making her father snigger.
"and what is that supposed to mean?" her mother asked.
"What it is supposed to mean is that I bet you can't say that your coffee doesn't have bourbon in it"
"No, it's doesn't actually Y/N"
"Not yet" Robert said as he took a sip of his coffee to hide begin his cup making Y/N laugh. Dana couldn't help but laugh too. She knew they were kidding and she loved seeing the two most important people in her life getting along so well. They never used to but now, they're inseparable.

Now that the laughter had died down, Robert spoke again.
"So Y/N, your role..."
"ughh, do we have to?"
"yes we do, we'll talk about it now so we don't have to later"
Y/N just rolled her eyes and took another sip of her drink.
"what do you think about being an underboss" as soon as Robert had said the word 'underboss', Y/N's eyes shot up to look at her father.
"But, I'm... I'm only 20, I'm too young" she said worried, not wanted to disappoint her father.
"Yeh well..." Robert started and Dana continued
"Y/N, you are more than capable. You're smart, you're strong, you're brave."
The two parents waited for their daughters answer.
"I uhh... I'll think about it" she spoke
"take as much time as you need hun" Dana said as she placed her hand on top of her daughter's and smiled. She then stood up, took Y/N's bowl and glass, stacked it on top of hers before taking Robert's and doing the same. She then walked to the kitchen, leaving Robert and Y/N alone in the dining room. Y/N was looking down at the table while her father was looking at her, trying to find answers. He stood up and went to sit next to Y/N who still didn't look up. He grabbed her hand which caused her to look up at him.
"what's up cupcake?" he asked her
"I just don't feel right being the underboss. I feel like I'm not mature enough and I feel like I might mess up and ruin the whole operation and I don't want to disappoint you. Why me? Why not Swagger or Mully, they're more fitted for the job, they're stronger, they're smarter, they're older which means they're more mature. I just, don't know why you would want me?" she told her father with genuine concern.
"I chose you because you are the best at what you do. When you do something, you give it all you've got and I've never seen you mess anything up except from your makeup" he reassured her to which they both laughed at
"okay? So cheer up buttercup." he finished as he stood up and walked out of the dining room, leaving Y/N alone in there with nothing but her thoughts.

Y/N eventually got up and left to go to the living room. She was minding her business, watching her favourite TV show when out of nowhere, she just hears.
Without averting her gaze, she said
"We pimp chimpin!"
She stood up and looked behind her to see a few of her fathers friends laughing.
"Mully, who's the kid?" Y/N asked as she looked at the kid next to him. He looked far too young to be doing this stuff, probably about 13.
"the fuck does that mean?" she asked and they all shrugged apart from the kid
"He's my nephew, been getting up to no good and almost joined Black Rose... Couldn't let him do that for obvious reasons so here we are." Mully explained
"oh okay" Y/N said, glaring at the kid.
The group started walking to Robert's office.
"Who's she?" ReeKid asked
"Snake Eye's daughter, don't get on her bad side, that how Matt P lost a finger" Mully told him.

Later that day

Y/N pushed open the door to the meeting room with her back and spun around revealing 11 burgers wrapped in paper. The men in the room all looked towards the girl, all silent.
"Food?" Y/N said in an awkward manner and smiled. They all cheered as Y/N went round the table with the burgers, passing them out.
"I got drinks as well, one second" she said as she jogged out of the room and came back in a few seconds later holding as many drinks as she could, needing to make a second trip to get the rest of the drinks.
"enjoy!" Y/N said as she bowed making the men laugh and she then left the room.

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