24~Long Time, No See

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TW// mentions of injury and blood

"she hasn't really moved out of bed for over a week... I'm worried about her" Dana told her husband. They had been sat in Robert's office, talking about their daughter, Y/N for a while now.
"do you want me to take her out somewhere, maybe clear her mind?" Swagger asked, leaning on the door way. Dana and Robert just looked at each other and then nodded. What's the worst that could happen? She's got someone with her to protect her.
"sure, if you can get her out of bed" Robert chuckled.

The light taps on her door alerted her but didn't move her. Her back was facing the door as it slowly opened to reveal a man with a balaclava and chain mail over his face. She had her eyes closed, no silent tears anymore, she felt like she had run out. She felt no emotion at this point.
"Hey..." the comforting voice spoke to her. She didn't reply or even move, she just listened to him. He exhaled deeply and sat on the edge of her bed.
"I know you're upset, we all are, you more than anyone... but staying in bed won't fix anything" he said looking at the back of her head, hoping something he says will make her turn around
"I told Dana and Robert I'd take you out somewhere to try and cheer you up a bit, and if you don't have any ideas... I could take you to see Gaege?" he said, which made her eyes shoot open and her body tense up. She hadn't thought about him in a while. She missed him. And he missed her.
Swagger stood up from the bed and walked around to the other side of her bed and leaned down in front of her face.
"I knew you'd want to see him" he said with a smile. She pulled a faint smile and then sat up and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Swagger then moved so he was crouching in front of her so they were at about eye level and stared into her eyes. She then leaned in and hugged him tightly. They stayed like that for a while and then pulled apart. With that, Y/N stood up and walked over to her mirror. She just groaned and turned around to look at the now stood up Swagger.
"let me shower first, i want to be at least presentable" she said as she walked off, into her en suite. Swagger just chuckled and walked out of her room.

"Hey" she said as she approached him
"long time, no see" he replied as he stood up and hugged her. Y/N's grip on him was tight but he didn't mind, he's missed this, they both have.
"I can see you've made an effort to get ready" he said, pulling out of the hug and gesturing to her outfit which was just sweat pants and an oversized sweater
"leave me alone, I have more fashion sense than you" she laughed along with him. They talked for about an hour, it was as if they hadn't been separate for the past month or so.
"I'm so glad you actually agreed to come and see me, I thought you wouldn't have wanted to see me considering I killed Schlatt." Y/N's face dropped from the huge smile she previously had. She had a lump in her throat and hear heart felt heavy.
"what...?" she asked, quietly.
"wha- you didn't know? I though Swagger might have told yo-"
"why would it make it any better if Swagger told me?"
"I just thou-"
"Gaege... You killed Schlatt?"
"Well... Yes but-"
"but nothing! You killed him! An innocent man that I really liked!" at this point, she has stood up and was shouting. Luckily, they were in a secluded area so nobody was around except Swagger in the car.
"Y/N, calm down" he said as he stood up and put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down but she pushed it off and firmly said
"don't tell me to calm down" as she turned around and stormed away towards the car she arrived in.
"Y/N! Y/N! At least let me explain!" he shouted but she didn't listen, she just carried on walking until she was no longer in his sight. Gaege just huffed and shook his head as he walked to his car.

Y/N pulled at the door handle but it was locked, she looked in the car to see Swagger asleep with his seat reclined. She huffed and then banged on the window, startling Swagger. He unlocked the door and put his seat back up. He looked over to Y/N to see her sat with her arms crossed, facing forward with a few stray tears on her cheeks.
"Are you-"
"just drive" and with that, they sped off.

Y/N's Wine Cellar

Y/N was looking through her wine collection with tears running down her face. Her hands were shaking, she didn't know what to think, she was upset and, she was angry. As she was pouring the wine into a glass, she spilled a bit of it due to her not being able to keep her hands still but she just wiped it away with her sleeve and leaned against the wall and had a sip of her drink. The taste brought back a memory. One of her favourite memories. One of their first memories.
"It's 74! Why are you still drinking it?! Here" she passed him her wine glass before she stood up, took Gaege's glass of wine and poured it down the sink that was in the cellar. She placed the glass in the sink so that there was no danger of it breaking and went to sit back in front of Gaege.
"Woah, Jesus Christ! I let you have a sip, not drink the rest of my wine!"
Y/N said as she snatched the glass from the man in front of her with about a mouth-full of wine left in the glass.
And in that moment, she looked over to the table. She walked over to it and placed her glass down as she picked up the photo strip. Looking at it gave her joy that she wish it didn't give. With a few tears rolling down her face, she ripped it into 4 pieces and threw it onto the floor. She picked up her glass again while looking at the pieces on the floor. She took a sip but recoiled at the taste that gave her the happy memory,that had now turned sour. She screamed as she threw the glass full of liquid down onto the floor where the pictures were laying. She dropped onto her knees with her hands out in front of her on the floor. She was crying a lot more than before. She was hurting.
"what's going on down here?! Y/N!" a familiar voice shouted as he ran over to the weak body on the floor. Y/N looked up and saw the eyes that comforted her in her darkest times. She managed to pull a weak smile to the man with worry in his eyes. He crouched down behind her and stood her up by pulling her up from underneath her arms.
"oh, Y/N, you've got glass in your hand... Come on, let me clean you up and then we'll clean this mess up" he said as he put his arm around her wait to support her. She put her arm over his shoulders to hold herself up. She held her left hand out in front of her in order to not get blood on the floor, so it would all just pool into her hand. It didn't really hurt her, she couldn't really feel it. Even though she wasn't drunk, the pain was almost non existant. The physical pain, that is.

"Okay, this is gonna hurt but, I've gotta take it out" Swagger said, Y/N was sat on the bathroom counter with her hand out in front of her. Swagger held her wrist in one of his hands and a pair of tweezers in the other hand.
"actually, you don't need to take it out, glass doesn't decompose so I could just live with it there and it wouldn't be a problem" she spoke as she watched him pull out the pieces of glass and putting them onto the counter next to her.
"Okay but, that's only okay to do if the glass is lodged under the skin and the cut doesn't need cleaning out... The glass is sticking out of your skin and you probably have wine in your cuts so no, I'm not leaving this glass in your hand" he told her as he pulled out the last bit of glass. And with that he cleaned her hand and wrapped it up with a bandage.
"Okay, you go and clean up the mess in your cellar and I'll clean up all of this stuff" Swagger said as he carefully picked up the pieces of glass to throw then into the trash.

Y/N skipped down the stairs to her wine cellar and saw that she had left out her bottle of wine so she went over to put it back but before turning around, she tired to recall actually seeing the picture on the floor. She slowly turned around and looked over to the red patch, surrounded by small and large pieces of her wine glass.
But no pictures.
She slowly walked over and looked around the whole area to find them, hoping the Swagger just moved them.
'No, he wouldn't have moved them, we left at the exact same time, I would have seen him do it'
'when he first came in, I had my eyes closed, he might have moved them then' she thought to herself, but got interrupt by Swagger coming down the stairs.
"Swags, please tell me you moved them pictures" she said as she stood up straight, looking him dead in the eyes.
"why would I move the pictures?"
"I don't know, but they're not here, they've gone and I don't know where or why they've gone but their gone and-"
"Y/N!" a voice shouted. Her eyes widened at the realisation that it was her mother calling her.
"Yeh?" she shouted back with a panicked voice
"can you come to your fathers office please?"
"umm, yeh, I'll be there in a minute!" she shouted back as she heard her mothers receding footsteps. She just looked at swagger with worry in her eyes and he returned the look.
"I'm gonna need more than A Glass Of Wine" Y/N groaned as she took off up the stairs.

Yesss! Swagger is safe! I would have been sad if either of them died but I've loved Swagger for longer than Schlatt 🤭🤣 and I know a lot of you prefer Swagger anyways so I know a lot (if not, all) of you are happy with that lmao,but for me, it was a hard decision because I love them both sm 😩 that's why I got y'all to decide for me. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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