27~One Last Smile

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TW//sensitive material

"are you being serious?"
"yes, 100% serious"
"Dad, I can't-"
"if you wanna prove your loyalty then you can and you will" Johnny raised his voice to his son. Gaege just rolled his eyes and stood up as he picked up the gun that was placed on the table in front of him. He walked out of his dad's office as Johnny's eyes followed him.

"what's up with you?" Narrator asked as he caught the car keys Gaege threw towards him
"just drive"
"Where?" Narrator asked as he followed his friend out the door
"to Y/N's house"
"enough with all the fucking questions!" Gaege shouted as he opened the car door and got in.

"Y/N, get the door!" Robert shouted as he turned to start walking up the stairs. Dana had gone shopping and Swagger was out doing business.
"I can't, I'm in the bathroom!" he heard faintly as well as a tap running from behind one of the doors. He just groaned and turned back around from the stairs to the door.

While Y/N was wiping her hands dry, and bang was heard that rang in her ears. She dropped the hand towel and ran out of the bathroom.
"DAD!" She screamed as she saw her father laying on the floor with a pool of blood starting to form around him. She ran over and slid on her knees so that she was next to him. She held up his head as he coughed up some blood. Her head snapped to out of the open door as she saw a car drive away.
A car she recognised.
A car that she'd seen multiple times.
The car of a man she loved.
The car of the man who killed Schlatt.
The car of the man who just shot her father.
"Y/N..." Robert choked as he got his daughters attention
"you'll take good care of your mother won't you... and I know you'll be a great boss"
"no, dad no! stop! you're gonna be fine! you're gonna be okay!" Y/N cried out. She didn't care that her knees were all scrapped up from sliding across the floor, she didn't care that she was kneeling in his blood, she didn't care that the wind from outside was making her cold. She only cared about her father, no matter how much they argued, no matter how much they fought, she loved him with all of her heart, he was the first and only man she would love that much, and he loved her just as much, if not, more so.
"what the fuck is going on here?!" Swagger shouted with worry as he ran into the house
"call 911" Y/N sobbed and she held her father's head up so that they could see each other properly and so he wouldn't choke on blood. Swagger ran to the phone and dialled.
"Y/N, they won't make it in time-"
"don't say that! you're gonna be fine! I'm not gonna lose you! I can't lose you" she shouted but slowly got quieter towards the end as he voice cracked.
"tell your mother that I love her, and I love you too baby, you know I do, I love you with every cell in my body" he spoke hoarsely
"you'll be able to tell her yourself, you're not gonna die! how long are they gonna be?!" Y/N shouted towards Swagger
"they said that they should be 5 minutes!" he told her as he knelt down next to Y/N, not knowing what else to do. He had tears pricking in his eyes, Robert was always like a father to him so this hurt him almost as much as it hurt Y/N. At this point, they all knew he wouldn't make it, they could see the life draining out of his body.
"I wanna see one last smile before I go" Robert said, looking at his daughter. He didn't like seeing her upset, he never did. When she was younger, if she was upset, he'd go out and buy her a new toy to make her happy, or he'd buy her food or put on her favourite TV show. Y/N mustered up the biggest smile she could through the tear.
"That's my girl... You'll look after her, won't you son" Robert croaked out to Swagger.
"of course I will" Swagger replied with a shaky voice as a few tears fell that he couldn't hold back any longer. Y/N mover her right hand from under the bloody wound on his chest to Swaggers hand, which she gripped and held tightly, still keeping her left hand under his head.
"I love you sweetheart"
"I love you dad" she cried. Robert smiled one last smile as his eyes closed for the final time. Y/N slowly put his head down on the floor and her cries turned into screams. Swagger pulled her into his chest as he stared down at Robert's body. She had her arms wrapped around him as tightly as she could, hoping it would fix her broken heart. A few seconds later, the sirens were heard over Y/N's hysterical state
"come on, stand up" Swagger's shaking voice spoke as he slowly pulled Y/N to stand up, but she didn't let go of him.

"what's happening?! what's going on?!" Dana worriedly shouted as she saw an ambulance and police car outside of her house. She saw a person on a stretcher covered with a sheet. Her heart sunk as she ran into the house to see people cleaning up blood off of the floor and Y/N still crying into Swagger's chest. Dana just collapsed onto her knees and sobbed. She pieced it all together to figure out what had happened, figuring out who was on the stretcher.

"thank Y/N for her time and, I'm so sorry for you loss"
"thank you officer" Swagger said as he closed the door and turned back around to look at Y/N and Dana sat on the stairs. Y/N was just staring at the slightly stained spot on the floor where he took his final breath.
"what'd you tell em?" Swagger asked as he sat down next to them
"exactly what happened... I was in the bathroom, there was a shot and by the time I got out, who ever it was had already left" she said with a raspy voice. Dana leaned in onto Y/N's shoulder and so did Swagger, they all just sat there in silence with the comfort of each other. While Y/N was staring forward, she thought about everything, knowing what she has to do now.

don't hate me 😭🙃

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