21~Stfu And Tell Me

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"It's snowing! It's snowing!" Y/N ran down the stairs shouting.
"woah, calm down, it's 8 o'clock in the morning!" Swagger said
"Yeh but... It's snowing" Y/N defended as she went over to the door and opened it to reveal the outside that had all been coated by the snow but she instantly regretted it as soon as she felt the icy-cold wind blow in her face. She pushed the door shut and shivered.
"We're going Christmas shopping today, Y/N" Dana said as she walked out of her bedroom and down the stairs
"ooo yesss! Who's coming?"
"Me, you, your dad and Swagger" Y/N just nodded and smiled.
"okay, I'll go make us some breakfast and then we'll get ready" Dana said as she walked into the kitchen.
"I feel like I haven't spoken to you in ages" Y/N said as she put her arm around Swagger's waist and gave him a light squeeze
"I know, how've you been, how's Schlatt been treating you? He better be good to you" Swagger said as he put his arm over her shoulder (bruh what a fucking simppp)
"yehh, he's been great, don't worry, you don't have to go all 'big brother mode' on him" Y/N said with a laugh. There then was a knock on the door causing Y/N to let go of Swagger and run to the door.
"Schlatt! Heyyy!" Y/N said as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey beautiful" he said hugging her back.
"here, come in, you must be freezing!" she said as she swiped her hands on his shoulders to wipe away the snow and then she took his coat off of him and hung it up for him.
"come on, let's get you some breakfast" she said as he put his arm around her shoulders and she put her arm around his waist and put her head on his shoulder.

"Are you coming to the mall with us?" Y/N asked Schlatt as she stood up from the dining room table.
"I would love to but I can't, I have to do some work for you dad while he's out" he said
"okay, is there anything you want me to get for you?"
"nah, I'm good" he said as he kissed her forehead and they walked out of the dining room together.
"Okay, imma go get dressed" she said as she put her hand on his shoulder for a second and then jogged up the stairs to her room.

She looked at herself in a full length mirror and smiled

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She looked at herself in a full length mirror and smiled.
"Y/N, are you dressed?" Dana asked as she knocked on her bedroom door
"Yeh, come in" Y/N told her mother and a few moments later, she popped her head in and looked at her daughter
"ooo, you look nice! We'll be leaving soon" and with that, Dana left.

"okayyy..." Y/N said as she ran down the stairs, well, ran as fast as she could run in thigh-high heels
"I'm ready, let's go!" she shouted
"you just think the world revolves around you, don't you?" Swagger asked in a joking tone while Y/N was putting on her coat
"it doesn't?" she asked in a joking concerned voice which made them both laugh.

~Time Skip~
(I hate doing these so much, y'all know this 😢)

"Swagger, you take Y/N somewhere else while we go and look for things to get y'all for Christmas" Robert said. Swagger nodded and then walked into a store with Y/N under his arm.

"What do you want for Christmas, Swags?" Y/N asked him as she was looking through clothes
"I don't really want anything" he said which caused Y/N to look up at him with a face that basically said 'STFU and tell me'
"I don't!"
"I guess I'm just gonna have to get you the bracelet that Joey gets Chandler" she said while going back to looking through clothes. Instead of listening to Swagger decline anything and everything, Y/N just started quietly singing the song that was playing on the radio.
"it'll be lonely this christmas, lonely and cold, it'll be lonely this christmas, without you to hold, it'll be cold so cold, without you to hold, this Christmas"
"this is like one of the most depressing Christmas songs ever" Swagger said, interrupting her singing
"shut up, it's a great song! You only don't like it because you're single" she said
"Hey!" Swagger shouted which ade them laugh and Swagger put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a light squeeze. Y/N looked up with a smile on her face due to laughing but when she looked up, she saw... Him. Gaege, who had spotted her at the same time. They just stared at each other with wide eyes while the 'depressing song' played in the background. He missed her and she missed him. She couldn't deny it. But she knew she shouldn't. He was literally on the enemy's side. That and she's getting pretty serious with Schlatt. But Schlatt... Wasn't Gaege. Her eyes started slowly filling with tears and they threatened to spill, but just as Gaege opened his mouth to say something, Swagger pulled her out of the store and she blinked them away. He had seen Gaege and Narrator stood only a few feet away from them.
"Y/N, I know you miss him, but you can't do that, and especially not in a public place" Swagger warned her
"do what?" she asked, looking into Swaggers eyes.
"You know what! Exactly what you were just doing! You're dating Schlatt now so you just have to forg-"
"well, we're technically not dating so..."
"that's besides the point! He's a Black Rose and you're swooning over him!"
"No ifs, no buts, no coconuts" he said which made Y/N exhale in a laugh
"I can't take you seriously when you say stuff like that, Wreck it Ralph" he said which made them both laugh at the nickname.
"Come on, I can see your parents have finished" Swagger said as she started to walk her over to where her parents were coming out of a store.

But before they got out of view, she looked back and saw Gaege looking at her from inside the store. He smiled his beautiful smile. That damn smile that gave her butterflies. She couldn't help but smile back to him before she looked away and carried on walking to her parents.

What do y'all thinkkkk? I think the next update will be on Christmas day so look out for that. Also, it is slowly starting to get to where I want to book to go and that makes me happy. Also also, thank you guys so much for 12K reads! Y'all insane! And it means so much to me and my little, broken, insomniac ass heart ♥️

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