25~What The Fuck

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"Swags, please tell me you moved them pictures" she said as she stood up straight, looking him dead in the eyes.
"why would I move the pictures?"
"I don't know, but they're not here, they've gone and I don't know where or why they've gone but their gone and-"
"Y/N!" a voice shouted. Her eyes widened at the realisation that it was her mother calling her.
"Yeh?" she shouted back with a panicked voice
"can you come to your fathers office please?"
"umm, yeh, I'll be there in a minute!" she shouted back as she heard her mothers receding footsteps. She just looked at swagger with worry in her eyes and he returned the look.
"I'm gonna need more than A Glass Of Wine" Y/N groaned as she took off up the stairs.


She took as long as she possibly could to get to her fathers office but she had to get there at some point. She put on a brave face and a fake smile before striding into Roberts office. She didn't dare look at him, or her mother who was stood behind him, in their eyes. She just look at the seat where her journey ended. As she slowly approached the seat and desk, she spotted them.
The wine stained photos.
Her breath hitched and smile faded as she noticed the one with the kiss was on top of the scattered pile. She exhaled quietly as she sat down, not taking her eyes off of the photos.
"do you know what these are?" Robert asked in a stern voice. Obviously he knew that she knew, he just wanted to see what she'd say. But she didn't speak, she didn't even move her eyes up to look at him.
"Y/N...?" he spoke louder
"Where did you find these?" she asked quietly, scared to move her eyes from the photos, she could already feel the sharp looks she was getting from her parents.
"I was in your cellar to put away a bottle of wine I got for you because you've been feeling blue and it was on the floor-" Dana told her but got interrupted by Robert shouting and standing up.
"it doesn't matter who found them where, they shouldn't exist in the first place!" Y/N flinched slightly as tears started to form in her eyes. She didn't know what to say, I mean, what could she say? She couldn't exactly lie, it was her in the photos. Robert was just staring at his daughter, waiting for her to speak, but she never did. He then huffed, slammed his hands on his desk and stood up, causing Y/N to flinch again.
"alright... come on," He spoke as he picked up the photos, to which Y/N finally looked up at him
"were going to pay them a visit" Robert continued as he grabbed a hold of his daughters wrist
"no! dad, stop it! let go of me!" Y/N struggled to get out of his grip as he started pulling her out of his office.
"Robert, calm down, you're hurting her!" Dana shouted in defence as she ran after them.

"I'm really sorry for hurting you" Robert said to his daughter who was staring out of the window, disturbing the sombre peace of the car ride. She didn't reply or even move her head to look at him, but she was listening.
"You know why this is completely insane right? you're literally rivels... look, I won't do anything stupid okay? I promise"
"what you're already doing is stupid" Y/N muttered to her dad, which made him sigh and continue driving in silence.

When they got to The Depp Household, Robert got out of the car, shortly followed by Y/N.
"you don't need to come in with me"
"I want to come to make sure you don't do anything else stupid" he nodded and walked up to the front door. He knocked and they both waited a few seconds before the door sung open to reveal the one, and only, Gaege. Y/N's eyes widened and then looked at her dad, she could practically hear the siren from Kill Bill (if you know then you know). It was as if all his logic flew out the window. He threw a punch, and the impact caused Gaege to fall on the floor.
"What the fuck?!" Johnny shouted as he saw what happened
"what the fuck just happened?! why did you do that?!" Johnny asked with a clenched jaw, balled up fist and rage in his eyes.
"why don't you ask your son" Robert spoke as he pulled the photos out of his pocket and threw them on the floor, next to Gaege and in front of Johnny.
"what is wrong with you?! You said you wouldn't do anything stupid Robert!" Y/N shouted as she walked away from the house. She'd never called her dad by his real name, but for some reason, it was the only thing that sounded right.
"I'm not done with you" Robert said with a clenched jaw as he pointed to the man on the floor holding his bloody nose before walking away to get in his car.
"Gaege... what the fuck is this?" Johnny asked as he kneeled down to pick up one of the photos and then looked at his son.

"Y/N, will you just get in the car?" Robert asked as he drove slowly next to his daughter who was walking on the side walk.
"no, I don't want to get in the car with you" Y/N told him as she continued to stamp her feet every time she took a step.
"stop being stupid and just get in the fucking car" Y/N just sighed and rolled her eyes...but then got in the car.
"I'm only doing this because I'm too lazy to walk... I'm still angry at you"

"What happened" Dana asked as her husband and daughter walked into the house. Without answering, Y/N just stormed upstairs and slammed her door shut, which caused a photo frame to fall off the wall and smash, which, ironically, was a picture of her and Robert.
"oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what did you do?" Dana asked, annoyed

There was a slight knock on Y/N's door and a small creak was heard as it was ever so slightly pushed open.
"Go away" Y/N mumbled into her pillow
"Are you sure you want me to go?" a comforting voice spoke. She hoped it was Schlatt, she really did, but she knew that could never happen again. But she was still happy with who was there. She sat and looked over to the door to see big brown eyes looking back at her. She smiled as he walked into her room, closed the door and sat on the edge of her bed.
"so what happened?" Swagger asked
"Gaege opened the door and my dad just punched him, Johnny asked why so he threw to photos at him and said something like 'ask your son' so I walked away... but I did call him Robert though, which was just plain weird"
"jeez... what're you gonna say to them?" then Y/N got an idea.

She taped a small piece of rectangular card onto their bedroom door that said these exact words:

"love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly loosing your mind. It isn't something you can choose, it just happens and I can't help who it's with. So, you're either happy for me, or not, but that's not my problem."

YESSSS! I'M BACK BITCHESSSS!! I hope y'all enjoy!! I know how much you all love this book so I had to bring it back for my babies 💞 also, how are y'all finding my apocalypse book 'Last Living Souls'?? I'm really enjoying writing that as well! Thanks for reading and thank you so much for all the love!!

A Glass Of Wine (JuicyFruitSnacks Fanfic)  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora