20~Well It Is December

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It had been about a month since Y/N and Gaege had spoke, or even seen each other. She had gotten closer to Schlatt but they weren't close enough to actually date yet, and they were both fine with it, even though they liked each other. Y/N still thinks about Gaege a lot but not as much as she used to. She had also patched things up with her parents after the... 'argument'.

She was in the kitchen, pouring herself some water when she heard talking.
"No, Dana, what I'm saying is, any of you might be in danger, and I don't want you to leave the house without someone who's armed."
"We had to do that anyways Robert"
"but it's a higher danger now, they left a dead fish in front of the door!"
"What does that mean?" Y/N asked as she walked out of the kitchen to where her mother and father were.
"oh, we didn't know you was in there hunny... What does what mean?" Dana said sweetly to her daughter.
"What does a dead fish mean?"
"it uhh, well it means-" Robert said, tripping over his words, trying to find a way to tell his daughter what it meant without scaring her but got interrupted.
"it's just a warning, it's a way of saying 'sleep with the fishes', it's kind of like a threat" Schlatt said as he walked over to the three, put his arm around Y/N's shoulders and then looked at Robert and said
"no doubt from Black Rose"
Robert just nodded in agreement.
"anyways, were you two planning on doing anything today?" Dana asked Y/N and Schlatt
"no not really" Y/N told them.
"well, if you're not busy then, Schlatt, I need to talk to you" Robert said and Schlatt nodded and then followed him to his office.
"I guess you can help me then Y/N"
"with what?"
"well it is December, what do you think?" Y/N thought for a second and then her eyes widened. How could she forget?! Y/N ran to one of the storage rooms and started to carry out all of the boxes filled with all of their Christmas decorations and then she started singing silently to herself
"last christmas, I gave you my heaaAAaAAAaaAHHhhhHHHhHH!" she screamed and then jumped out of the storage room.
"Woah! What's wrong?" Dana asked worriedly as she rushed over to her daughter.
"There's a massive fucking spider in there" Y/N said with a shaky voice. Dana went into the room and picked up the spider.
"You can punch and enemy's nose but you're scared of a spider"
"Yeh but... It's a big spider"
"I will never understand you"
"The inner workings of my mind are an enigma" Y/N said which made Dana laugh as she walked off with the spider so she could put it outside.

Once they were finally all out of the storage room, Dana and Y/N dragged them all into to large entrance way. They had to be dragged because they were heavy, there was loads of them because it's a big house.
"Mama, we don't even have any trees."
"They're getting delivered any minute now, don't worry sweetie, I wouldn't forget about the trees."
The family always have a few trees for different rooms. They have one for the 3 living rooms, the entrance way, the kitchen, the dining room, Robert's office, the meeting room, Robert and Dana's bedroom and Y/N's bedroom (this boujiee ass family-)
"is it that time of year already?" Robert asked as he walked back over to the two women with Schlatt.
"Yuppp! You're gonna have to take the day off from your busy schedule and help us decorate" Y/N said as she opened one of the boxes.
"okay then, I gu-" Robert got interrupted by the doorbell.
"I'll get it" Robert said as she walked over to the door. A few seconds later, he spoke to the 3 people standing a few feet away from him
"Schlatt, your gonna have to help us bring in these trees" he swung the door open to reveal a huge truck with ten trees in the back of it.
"You need 10 trees?" Schlatt asked as he looked down at you
"yep, we need to put one in 10 different places" she told him
"well, I guessed that" he said with a laugh and as she was walking towards the door, Y/N slightly kicked his butt.
"ooo, you two are becoming quite an item now, aren't you" Dana whispered, which made her blush
"Mama shushhh" Y/N said with slight embarrassment as she looked down into the box she had previously opened.
"I'm just saying, it's cute!" Dana told her daughter as she pulled out all of the tree stands and then two people holding a tree walked in.
"Cooper, when did you get here? Y/N asked him
"We all just drove in, everyone's here to help" he said as he pointed to the door where 2 more people with a tree came in and then out of the door, Y/N saw the rest of the soldiers (mob family) picking up trees from the back of the truck. It made her smile knowing that all of the most important people in her life were around to help her during one of her most favourite time of year. Well... Almost all.
"well, are you just gonna leave us standing here with this street or are you gonna show us where to put it?" Cooper asked with a laugh
"Oh sorry," Y/N giggled as she walked over to them, grabbing a tree stand on the way.
"walk with me" she said as she walked towards one of the living rooms.

(I would put pictures of the mansion decorated but because the pictures wouldn't be the same as the pictures I used for their mansion, it would annoy me so y'all are just gonna have to imagine what it would look like with Christmas decorations)

"Y/N, come with me" Traves said as he grabbed her hand pulled her towards the main entrance area.
"whaattt? whyyy?" she asked as she was looking around at the beautifully decorated house. When she got to where he was pulling her, she saw Carson positioning Schlatt. Traves positioned Y/N right in front on Schlatt and then walked over to Carson.
"do you have any idea what's going on here?"
"not a clue"
"okay... What now?" Schlatt asked Carson and Traves.
"Look up" Carson said. The pair looked up to see Cooper leaning over the railing, holding out a piece of mistletoe. They didn't say anything but they just looked at each other with a smile and slightly red cheeks.
"You have to kiss" Cooper shouted down to them
"Yep, we guessed that genius" Schlatt shouted back up to him and the second he looked back down at Y/N, she pulled him into a kiss, taking him by surprise at first. Everyone then came out of different rooms that they were hiding in and they all cheered and whooped. Y/N and Schlatt pulled apart.
"are y'all happy now?" She asked, looking around at everyone as they all nodded. She just laughed and smiled at her weird but loving mob family.

Guys, I promise this isn't turning into a Schlatt fanfic! It's still a JuicyFruitSnacks fanfic, I just need to write this to get to the good part, this is kind of just like a filler chapter, but I promise, it's gonna get better! I hope you're enjoying this book!! I'm enjoying it, the next few chapters might not be as good as the past few but I need to build up the plot so I can do what I want to dooo! Thanks for reading 💞✨

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