Chapter 41

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1 year later

I've definitely said this before, but have you ever been so in love with someone? So in love that just seeing them brightens your day? Any small gesture puts a smile on your face? It had been a year since Josiah and I got back together, and now I'm sure he's the only one who can make me feel like this.

Not much had changed in the past year since we had gotten back together. Besides the fact that we saw each other a lot more. I still lived at my apartment and he still lived at his place. We didn't want things to move as fast as they did before, taking it slow was perfect for us.

I also talked sat down and had a talk with my brother about my relationship with Josiah. Ultimately things went well after they got the opportunity to sit down and talk. They're not best buddies now or anything, but Eli is much more accepting.

Josiah was true to his word when he said things would be different this time. As promised, no surprise kidnappings, random stab wounds, or leaving for days without notice. He did occasionally have business trips but he always let me know if he's leaving town. Everything seemed too perfect and it made me wonder if this was what Josiah really wanted. He seemed happy, but I guess I never really asked.

Maybe we could talk about it tonight, he had asked me out for dinner tonight at this beachfront restaurant I had been dying to try out. I was very excited to say the least.

Right now it was Saturday afternoon and all o could think about was our date tonight. Josiah had some work to catch up on and he said he'd pick me up around 7. For the most part I had the day free. My work was caught up on, I didn't have any important errands to run, I wasn't sure what I should do in the meantime.

I guess I could do some deep cleaning? It was currently 1pm, that gives me 6 hours till date time, and I'll need at least 2 hours to get ready. Leaving me with 4 hours. Totally doable.

I toss my hair into a horrible looking bun, throw on an old T-shirt, and turn on some music before getting to work.

I take my time scrubbing and reorganizing every single part of my apartment, occasionally stopping to dance around anytime a good song comes on. I notice the sun seemingly beginning to set and I look at the time, 5pm. I wipe the sweat from my forehead before examining my hard work. As I head toward the remote to stop the music, Beyoncé's Crazy in love begins blasting through my Tv speaker.

Okay last song, after this I'll go shower.

I grab the broom and look out at the fake audience before beginning my performance.

"Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. Oh na na."

I'm bouncing up and down, shimmying, sashaying, giving my all to the audience. That I hadn't even realized someone had entered my apartment. I scream when I finally notice the intruder.

"Josiah what are you doing here? You're early!" I ask as I pause the television.

He was chuckling at my little performance, "You're moves haven't changed at all have they? And what do you mean? It's 7 o'clock why aren't you dressed?" I looked over at his attire, he was wearing a clean burgundy button up with the top few buttons undone and a gold necklace. His pants were black and he had a gold Rolex on his wrist. Damn he looked good.

I looked down at my attire, an old Beatles t-shirt with holes in it and Josiah's basketball shorts. "It's 5 o'clock see!" I point to the clock across the room. "Have you looked at your phone? It's 7 pm, and I called you an hour ago."

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