Chapter 6: We Will Get Her Back. Believe That

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Seth's P.O.V.

I was with the guys and Summer in the Shield locker room. I held an ice pack to my shoulder as I groaned at the pain I felt in my ribs. Ashley really kicked my ass. I even had a bruised eye from that brutal roundhouse kick sh gave me. I'm man enough to admit, I deserved it. After everything the guys and I put her through.

I really miss my sister. Every day, my heart breaks piece by piece without her. I know that the guys miss her too. Roman misses his best friend. She was his sister from another mister. They always had each other's backs. Dean misses his girlfriend. She was the only girl he ever felt this way for. She was the only girl who had an affect on him. She made him stop his bad habits. She was his weakness.

Leighla is still very pissed at me for what I did to Ashley She loved that little firecracker. She always goes to check on Ashley for me, since I am not longer allowed in her home. Not even my parents forgive me for what I did. Galina and Joelle are mad at Roman for helping out, since Galina saw her as a sister and Joelle saw her as an aunt.

Ashley doesn't want anything to do with me now. She's cut herself from my life. I don't blame her. However, we didn't even want to turn on her to begin with. We were forced to turn on her. I know, this may come as a shock to you. You want to know the whole truth? Well, here it is.

We were going to be in an 8-Person Mixed Tag Team match with her against Nikki, John, Daniel, and Randy. It was then we saw Ashley holding her head in pain in the hallway. She was bleeding from the side of her head and she seemed to have a stab wound on her side.

She was taken to the hospital and Hunter told us to stay. He and Stephanie went with her. Later that night, Summer came to us and admitted that she was the one who attacked my sister. She demanded that we turn on her and replace her as the female of The Shield with herself. She demanded that Dean break up with my sister and date her, since she had somewhat of an obsession with him. We refused, but she took a knife out.

Sh threatened to hurt us. She threatened to hurt Leighla, BVB, Ariel, Jonnie, Zack, Galina, and Joelle. She threatened us by saying that if we refused, she would go to the hospital and kill her by poisoning her with different drugs. Even worse, she threatened to hire sickos and druggies from the street to rape and torture her every single day.

So, to save her, we agreed and she went to the creative team and demanded the storyline change. They did and she was more than happy. Us? We were devastated. Devastated that we would have to betray the only girl from the business we love and care about so much.

So, there you have it. The whole truth. We plan to informing Stephanie, Hunter, and the entire roster about it. That way, we can get rid of the psycho bitch and then we can work on getting Ashley back. We'll do everything we can and we won't stop until she's back in The Shield with us.

I got up and the guys did as well as Summer. "Where are you going?" she asked. "None of your business." I told her. "Actually, it is. I'm a member of The Shield and the one who started this." she said before following us. It was then she grabbed Dean's arm and he yanked it back. I could see the fire and glare in his eyes.

"Piss off, Summer! We don't want you in The Shield, period! You're the reason why I lost the love of my life! You're the reason why she almost killed herself! You're the cause of everything! This is why nobody here likes you! You're nothing but a heartless, evil bitch! We are going to get Ashley back and she will reclaim her throne that you stole! Just get lost and don't come near us!" he yelled at her.

All three of us left the locker room and Summer stayed back and cried. I don't fucking care. She brought this upon herself. That psycho, crazy bitch can cry all she wants. We aren't going to let her ruin our lives anymore. We are finally going to get rid of her, no matter what it takes. She's not Ashley and never will be.

We walked down the hallway, trying to find The Authority's office when we were stopped by Renee. "Excuse me, Gentlemen?" she asked. We stopped and looked at her. "Seth, you just lost your casket match against your sister, or as everyone is saying, former sister, Ashley Ziggler. How are you feeling?"

"What am I feeling? I'm feeling like hell right now. I'm glad she won, but I feel guilty. For everything we've put her through. I should be feeling pissed that she kicked my ass, but, I'm not. I'll be man enough to say that I deserved it." I explained.

"Also, people are not happy about Summer Rae replacing Ashley as the female member of The Shield. Any thoughts?" she asked. It was then Dean spoke up. "Honestly, we don't even want Summer Rae in The Shield, period. It wasn't even our choice to bring her in. They deserve to be mad at us. Hell, they probably might not believe us, but that's the truth."

Roman decided to speak up. "We are gonna try to bring Ashley back into The Shield. She's the only one who can calm the Hounds down when we want to maul. She's the only one who can tolerate us when we have our moments. She's not only the Queen of The Shield, she's the Queen of Justice. We will get her back. Believe that."

We all walked off together, trying to find Hunter and Stephanie so we could explain ourselves.

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