Chapter 35: Paige V.S. Ashley Rollins

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    A/N: Just in case of confusion, Paige and Ashley are now enemies on-screen, but still besties off-screen.

  AJ Lee's P.O.V.

"Good luck tonight." I told Ashley as she strapped on her vest. Tonight, she was squaring off against Paige, who was going to be escorted by Alicia Fox. The guys had singles matches for the night. Dean was going against Bray, Seth was going against Randy, and Roman was going against Wade Barrett.

"Actually, I would like you to come with me." she told me, looking up. "You sure?" I asked her, handing her her gloves. "Of course. Gotta have my best friend even the odds if a crazy fox is gonna be out there as well." she told me. I chuckled at what she said and nodded. "I got your back." I told her as she put her hand on her hip.

"Let's go, Babygirl." she told me as she wrapped an arm around me. We exited catering and walked down the hallways until we got to the curtain. Paige and Alicia were already in the ring, waiting. Ashley began warming up as I adjusted my chuck taylors.

"Let's do this." she said, putting her game face on.

Her singles theme played and the crowd erupted into massive cheers. We walked out and she did her pose, raising her arm over her head. "And her opponent! Accompanied by AJ Lee from Davenport, Iowa, representing The Shield, Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced.

Ashley and I walked down the ramp and slapped a couple of the fans' hands. She got inside the ring as Alicia got out. The bell rang as she and Paige circled each other. They locked up and Ashley began unloading on her.

   *10 Minutes Later*
Ashley got in before the count of ten and Clotheslined Paige numerous times. She sent her to the ropes and hit her with a brutal kick to the gut. She ran to the ropes and hit the Curbstomp on her.

"Curbstomp to Paige! Ashley Rollins performing her brother, Seth Rollins' finisher on the Divas Champion!" Jerry exclaimed.

She waited for Paige to get up and when she did, she dodged her and rolled me up. "One! Two!" She kicked out and dodged a Clothesline from her before she punched her in the face as hard as she could. The crowd went wild as I looked at them and smirked, nodding my head.

  It was then I saw Alicia get on the apron. I ran and pulled her off. She ran at me, but I ducked and hit her with a kick to her gut. I hit the Shining Wizard on her.

"Shining Wizard to Alicia Fox! AJ Lee coming to the aid of her best friend!" Michael said.

Paige yelled at me and I smirked. I pointed, signalling for her to turn around.

She did and was met with a Stunner. Ashley screamed before she locked her into the Figure Four, later transitioning into the Figure Eight. Alicia tried to go in, but I grabbed her and slammed her into the barricade. Paige screamed and thrashed her arms before she finally tapped out.

  Ashley stayed like that and seemed to apply more pressure and force until the referee forced her to let go. "Here is your winner by submission, Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced.

Ashley got out of the ring and I joined her. I jumped on her and hugged her. She hugged back, the both of us laughing. I got off and raised her arm as she smirked at Paige and Alicia. She pointed at Paige and motioned the title around her waist.

The both of us left and once we got backstage, Renee came over. "Excuse me, Ashley?" she asked. My friend sent her a warm smile. "First of all, congratulations on your victory tonight. However it seems as if you have laid out a challenge to Paige for the Divas Championship. Is it true?" she asked.

"First of all, thanks, Renee, it means a lot. Second of all, Paige is projecting her disappointment and her frustrations on me and my boys. She has her lapdogs, the Wyatt Family to do all of her dirty work. Do you see me do that? No, because The Shield are my partners and allies. Paige believes that she can do what she wants just because she's the Champion." she said.

"I actually feel sorry for Paige. She's so naive and she just expects everything to be handed to her. And when it's not, she just blames anyone who's more successful than her. The Shield have never held anybody back. We've taken on all comers. Just like tonight, each member of The Shield faces each member of the Wyatt Family, who Paige claims is a victim of The Shield." she continued.

"So, I hope Paige is watching because I challenge her for the Divas Championship this Sunday at Battleground. Paige may not like the world she lives in, but it's not because of lack of skill, it's because she's just not good enough to change it. She likes to say 'This is my house'? Well, maybe this is Paige's house, but, she's living in The Shield's world. Believe that." she finished.

  The both of us walked off and we went into the Divas locker room. We saw Nikki, Brie, Paige, and Naomi there with Abigail.

"Hey, Baby." Ashley whispered to now three-month-old Abigail as Nikki handed her the baby. Ashley held her daughter as I softly ticked her. She let out gurgly laughs, making the girls go 'Awww'. I laughed as Paige began playing peek-a-boo with her. She was such a great godmother to the child.

  "Who wants to see the boys kick ass?" Ashley said.

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