Chapter 32: The Queen Of Justice Is Back

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    Ashley's P.O.V.

   I was going to be in action tonight with Paige and AJ. We were all teaming up to take on Nikki, Brie, and Eva. The Authority made the match official and guess what? Our match is the main event for Raw.

   Abigail was backstage in the care of The Shield, Tamina, The Usos, and Naomi. She has stolen all their hearts. They believe she'll be a future champion and the face of the company.

   I was wearing a Shield shirt, black jeggings, black combat boots, a denim vest, fingerless gloves, and a Dean Ambrose necklace. My hair was curled and my makeup was black with a tint of blue. I was happy to wear my gear again after nine months of pregnancy and two of maternity leave.

   I was at the stairs, waiting to make my entrance. I saw the twins and Eva already in the ring, arms around each other. They were smirking as Nikki was talking about how she and her partners were the best Divas there were. I waited until the tech team gave me signal for me to go out.

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D.

   Nikki and her partners looked around in frustration as mine an the guy's theme played, the crowd cheering wildly. I walked out and appeared at the top of the stairs with a smirk on my face. "And their opponents! First, from Davenport, Iowa, representing The Shield, Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced.

   "It's great to see Ashley back in action after so long since she announced her pregnancy and engagement to fellow Shield member, Dean Ambrose." Michael said. "The second architect of The Shield is ack and I'm pretty sure, she has her sights set on the Divas Championship held my Naomi." JBL added.

   I walked down the stairs, bumping fists with some of the fans. I got to the barricade and jumped over it. I kept my eyes on my opponents as I walked up the steel steps and got inside the ring. I took off my vest and set it aside before I waited for my partners.

   Let's light it up

   The crowd cheered as AJ skipped out with a smile on her face. "Next, from Union City, New Jersey, AJ Lee!" Lilian announced. She skipped down the ramp and around the ring before getting on the apron. She got in the ring and hugged me. I hugged her back as we waited for our final partner.

  Eagle Screech

   AJ and I smirked as the crowd cheered louder. "And from Norwich, England, Paige!" Lilian announced. Paige walked down the ramo before getting on the apron. She took off her leather jacket and did her scream. She got inside the ring and stood on the second rope, doing her pose. She joined us in the ring and hugged us.

   The bell rang as the teams debated who would start things off.

   "I'll start, girls." Paige told us. We nodded before hugging her once again. We got behind the ropes as did Eva and Nikki. Looks like Brie and Paige were starting off the match.

   They circled each other before locking up. Brie sent Paige to the ropes, but was met with Clotheslines from the former champion. She landed punches to her, but Paige answered back with more harder punches and kicks. Paige sent Brie to the turnbuckle and hit her with a knee strike.

    She went for a pin. "One! Two!" Brie kicked out.

  Paige grabbed her and brought her to our corner. She tagged me in. I got inside as I grabbed Brie. I sent her to the ropes before I nailed her with the Slingblade. I waited for her to get up before I hi her with a running knee strike. I got her arm, getting ready to set her in the Armbar, but she managed to get to the ropes.

   I backed off and went for her, but she got up and punched me. I held my jaw as she got on the top rope. She hit me with a Missle Drop Kick. I hit the mat, holding my head. "This is not looking good for Ashley." Michael said. Brie went for a pin. "One! Two!" I kicked out. She groaned before she grabbed my hair, dragging me to her corner. She tagged in Eva.

   Eva grabbed me and hit me with Clotheslines. She sent me to the ropes and I dodged another one before nailing her with a roundhouse kick. I grabbed her and hit her with a One-Leg Monkey Flip. I went for a pin. "One! Two!" she kicked out. I got her up, but she ended up reversing. "One! Two!" I kicked out.

   She grabbed me an hit the Sliced Bread. Sh went for a pin once again. "One! Two!" I kicked out. She grabbed my hair and got me up, but I answered back with brutal punches.

   Eva ran at me, so I performed a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takedown. I got het and placed her on my shoulders. I ran and hit her with the Buckle Bomb. I got her and set her up on the top turnbuckle. I climbed the ropes and wrapped my arms around her. I jumped, hitting her with a Belly-To-Belly from the top, making the crowd go wild.

   We both began crawling to our corners. My partners extended their arms out to me. "Let's go, Ashley!" they encouraged me. I managed to jump forward slightly and tag in AJ just as Eva tagged in Nikki. She got inside the ring and tackled Nikki down, punching her.

  AJ sent Nikki to the ropes before she was punched in the face. The older Bella sent her to the turnbuckle before tossing her across the ring. Nikki grabbed AJ and did her Powerbomb thing. She went for a pin. "One! Two!" Paige ran in and broke the count. Brie came in and kicked her, sending her to the outside.

   I ran and hit Brie with a Spear before hitting the Curbstomp. Eva came in and tried to Clothesline me, but I dodged and sent her over the rope. I saw Nikki hit AJ with the Rack-Attack. She went for a pin. "One! Two! Th-" I ran and broke the count, giving AJ some time.

   I saw Paige getting beaten up by Eva and Brie. I ran to the roes and hit the Suicide Dive on our opponents, sending them down. "I'll finish the job. Drag AJ to the corner so I can tag myself in." I told Paige. She nodded before the referee was checking on Nikki.

   She ran and dragged AJ to the corner. I got on the apron and reached out, tagging myself in. Luckily, the ref saw it. I got in and grabbed Nikki, hitting her with the Twist Of Fate. I went and climbed the ropes before I hit her with a Moonsault. I got up and smirked at the cheering crowd.

   I got her and sent a wink to the camera. "I'm back." I said before hitting Nikki with the Dirty Deeds. I pinned her. "One! Two! Three!" The bell rang as I stood up.

    "Here are your winners! The team of Paige, AJ Lee, and Ashley Rollins!" Lilian announced.

   My friends got in the ring and they both hugged me. Well, AJ jumped on me, but I didn't care.  I hugged them back before we pulled away. They raised my arms before we got out of the ring. We wrapped our arms around each other and went backstage.

   When we got there, we saw Roman, Seth, and Dean there with smirks on their faces.

   "Damn, Babygirl. You were on fire tonight." Roman told me as he crushed me in a hug. "Thanks, Powerhouse." I replied. "Great job, Sweetheart." Seth told me as he ruffled my hair, making me chuckle. I went to Dean and he wrapped his arms around me.

   "I'm so lucky to have you, Darling." he said before kissing me. I kissed him back before we pulled away.

   All of us walked off together, going off to go and see Lil' Abby.

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