Chapter 29: Welcome To The World, Abigail Saraya Good

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     Three Months Later

   Megan's P.O.V.

  I was at home, watching the main event for Smackdown, which was The Shield vs. The Wyatts. They were all in Buffalo, Iowa. So, Leighla was staying with me to keep me company. Since my baby was due any day from now, she promised Jon and the guys that she will take me to the hospital when I go into labor. 

   Right now, I was eating one of my cravings which was pickles and peanut butter. The dogs were with us as well. Luna was between me and Leighla, Eddie was on her laps, and Sasuke was at our feet. So far, my boys have been dominating the match.

   As for the Divas Championship, the current champion is none other than Naomi. I am really proud of her, since she absolutely deserves it. She beat Nikki in the finals of the Divas Championship Tournament. Also, she and my besties have been dedicating their matches to me and my unborn daughter.

  As for Summer, she is serving ten years in prison for threatening those around me and for trying to kill my baby. I'm glad that psycho blonde bitch is gone for good. We got a restraining order against her. When she gets out, if she violates it, she's automatically sent back to prison. Only this time, for life.

   "Come on, Baby!" I yelled at the screen as Jon began beating the shit out of Bray. "Let's go, guys!" Leighla added. We both laughed as Colby and Joe hit the Suicide Dive on Braun and Luke. Bray got Jon set up for the Sister Abigail, but he managed to dodge it. Jon planted him with the Dirty Deeds. He pinned him and got the win.

   Leighla and I cheered loudly as all three of them got their arms raised. "Here are your winners, The Shield!" Lilian announced. They all got out of the ring and walked up the stairs. Just as the show went to commercial, I got up. I went to the kitchen to refill my glass of juice. I was about to open the fridge to get the gallon out.

   Suddenly, I felt a super sharp pain, making me hiss. I clutched my stomach as I struggled to stay up, grabbing onto the counter. It was then I felt something wet drip down my leg.

   Oh, shit.

   "Leighla!" I shouted. Instantly, she came running into the kitchen. "Megan?! What's wrong?!" she asked. I screamed as I felt the contractions start to kick in. "My water broke! The baby is coming!" I said. "Oh, shit. Come on, Sis. Let's go." she said as she got the already prepared baby bag. She draped it over her shoulder and helped me walk.

   When we got outside, she helped me get in her car. She got in after me and started the engine. In an instant, she basically sped off. "How long will it take?? Aaah!" I screamed as I felt the contractions get worse. "About ten minutes. Just practice those breathing exercises you took in that birthing class with Jon." she told me. I nodded, remembering the instructions before performing the labor breathing exercises.

    It was then Leighla got her cell phone out and immediately put it on speed dial. "Aaaah!" I screamed, clutching my stomach. "Come on, you two-toned ninja. Pick up." she said. After a moment, she began speaking.

   "Colby, it's me! Megan is in labor!"........."Yes. We're on our way to the hospital."........."Okay, just try to get here as fast as you can."........."Okay, Bye."

   She hung up and set the phone down. "They're getting on a plane now. They'll be here in 17 minutes." she explained. I gave a painful smile and nodded. She grabbed my hand and I began to squeeze every time a contraction hit.

   We finally got to the hospital and she helped me out of the car. We went inside and she called for help. "Name and relationship?" a nurse asked Leighla as another nurse came in with a wheelchair, which I sat in. "Leighla Scultz. I'm her sister-in-law. She's in labor." she explained. The nurse nodded before she turned to the other one.

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