Chapter 1: Returning

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Monday Night Raw

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Monday Night Raw

  Ashley's P.O.V.

I was making my return to WWE after almost a year and a half of recovering from injury. Why? All because of three men. You probably know who they are. If you guessed The Shield, you are absolutely right. Those three put me on the shelf for the past year because they believed shit that wasn't true. My own brother. My own best friend. Hell, even my own boyfriend. They hurt me. They betrayed me. They took me out of The Shield.

   How did they take me out? By replacing me for a certain blonde bimbo. If you guessed Summer Rae, you are absolutely correct. Dean kissed her in front of me while Roman and Seth smirked. What else did they do? They performed all their finishers on me. They triple powerbombed me into the announce table.

  I remember my best friends, Ariel Biersack, AJ Lee, Paige, Brie Bella, and Nikki Bella running down to the ring and attacking that little bitch. I remember Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, Zak Attack, and Jonny Quinn attacking The Shield. I remember being put on a stretcher with my best friends crying.

   Later that night, Stephanie put Summer in a 12-on-1 Handicap match as punishment against AJ, Paige, Nikki, Brie, Eva Marie, Alicia, Naomi, Ariel, Cameron, Aksana, Emma, and Tamina, basically the entire Divas locker room with the exception of Layla, her best friend.

  Triple H put The Shield in a 10-on-3 Handicap match as punishment against Dolph, Randy, CM Punk, Zak, Jonny, Daniel Bryan, The Usos, Goldust, and Stardust.

  Those two were extremely pissed at all four's actions that every week, they were put in Handicap matches. AJ and Ariel enjoyed getting their hands on her the most, since they're the ones I'm more close to.

   I had several injuries. I had a broken left arm, a broken right leg, a concussion, a back injury, and three broken ribs. I had so many therapy and rehab sessions. My best friends would call to check on me, but there was one person who took care of me 24/7. That was Dolph Ziggler. He went with me to my therapy and rehab sessions, he helped me clean around my house, he helped me cook, etc. He was more of a brother to me than Seth was. He actually cared for me enough to live with me until I was medically cleared to wrestle again. However, I had a cutting problem. I cut myself since the night I left. Dolph found me gliding the blade on my wrist and he stopped me. He helped me through it.

   I'm nervous to come back. I don't want to face my former team. But, I have to make them feel the pain and hurt I felt all that time. Mostly, I can't wait to get my hands on that fake ass, blonde bitch, Summer Rae. She will get her ass kicked by a bad woman. She will face the consequences for replacing me as the female member of The Shield and turning the guys against me.

   That will happen tonight. I will be teaming up with AJ against Summer and Layla. She doesn't even know I'm here. Nobody does. I can't wait to see my former team's reaction when they see me.

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